Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 06

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Deep within the heart of the Amazon rainforest, there existed a hidden tribe known as the Verdant Whisperers. This ancient tribe had a unique connection with the lush vegetation surrounding their village, and their wise elders possessed the ability to communicate with the spirits of the forest. However, their tranquility was disrupted when a mysterious ailment began affecting the sacred trees that had stood for centuries.

The chief of the Verdant Whisperers, Elder Tala, called upon a young member of the tribe named Kaya. Known for her inquisitive mind and affinity with nature, Kaya was tasked with embarking on a perilous journey to seek the guidance of the legendary Spirit of the Emerald Canopy. This elusive spirit was said to hold the key to healing the ailing trees and restoring balance to the forest.

Equipped with a handmade bow, woven from vines, and a pouch containing offerings of rare jungle herbs, Kaya ventured deep into the heart of the rainforest. Along the way, she encountered various challenges, from treacherous quicksand pits to the mesmerizing calls of exotic birds leading her astray. Yet, guided by the wisdom passed down from her ancestors, Kaya pressed on.

After days of journeying, Kaya reached the heart of the emerald canopy, where the Spirit manifested in the form of a radiant jaguar. The Spirit spoke in the ancient language of the forest, revealing that the ailment was caused by an imbalance in the natural energy flow. To restore harmony, Kaya needed to perform a sacred ritual involving the rare jungle herbs as offerings.

Kaya returned to her village, where the elders assisted her in conducting the intricate ritual. As the last herb was offered, the sacred trees glowed with renewed vitality, and the whispers of the forest spirits echoed in gratitude. The Verdant Whisperers celebrated the restoration of their sacred connection with nature, and Kaya was hailed as a guardian of the Amazon's mystical secrets.

Q1) What is the name of the hidden tribe in the Amazon rainforest?

A. Mystic Greenkeepers

B. Verdant Whisperers

C. Lush Foliage Keepers

D. Jungle Harmony Seekers

Answer: B. Verdant Whisperers

Q2) What ability did the wise elders of the tribe possess?

A. Ability to control the weather

B. Ability to speak with animals

C. Ability to communicate with forest spirits

D. Ability to predict the future

Answer: C. Ability to communicate with forest spirits

Q3) Who called upon Kaya to embark on a journey?

A. Elder Tala

B. Chief Nara

C. Shaman Zara

D. Mystic Seer Alara

Answer: A. Elder Tala

Q4) What was Kaya equipped with for her journey?

A. Iron sword and shield

B. Enchanted staff

C. Handmade bow woven from vines

D. Magical amulet

Answer: C. Handmade bow woven from vines

Q5) What disrupted Kaya's journey in the rainforest?

A. Thunderstorms

B. Exotic birds

C. Mysterious fog

D. Earthquakes

Answer: B. Exotic birds

Q6) What form did the Spirit of the Emerald Canopy manifest?

A. Radiant butterfly

B. Luminous serpent

C. Radiant jaguar

D. Whispering wind

Answer: C. Radiant jaguar

Q7) What did the Spirit reveal about the ailment affecting the sacred trees?

A. It was caused by a drought

B. It was caused by a plague

C. It was caused by an imbalance in natural energy flow

D. It was caused by a curse

Answer: C. It was caused by an imbalance in natural energy flow

Q8) What did Kaya need to perform to restore harmony?

A. Sing a sacred song

B. Dance under the moonlight

C. Perform a sacred ritual with rare jungle herbs

D. Offer a crystal amulet to the spirits

Answer: C. Perform a sacred ritual with rare jungle herbs

Q9) What glowed with renewed vitality after the ritual?

A. The radiant jaguar

B. The exotic birds

C. The sacred trees

D. Kaya's handmade bow

Answer: C. The sacred trees

Q10) What did Kaya become hailed as after the restoration of the forest's balance?

A. Guardian of the Mystical Secrets

B. Whisperer of the Enchanted Jungle

C. Protector of the Verdant Tribe

D. Guardian of the Amazon's Mystical Secrets

Answer: D. Guardian of the Amazon's Mystical Secrets

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