Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 07

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the distant land of Celestria, where magic and technology coexisted harmoniously, a young inventor named Elara dreamt of creating a device that could harness the power of both realms. Inspired by ancient tales of the Celestial Convergence, a rare celestial event that merged magic and technology, Elara embarked on a quest to build the legendary "Aether Amplifier."

Elara's workshop, hidden in the heart of the Enchanted Mountains, buzzed with the energy of innovation. Her invention involved intricate runes, enchanted crystals, and gears powered by the essence of mystical creatures. As she delved deeper into the project, Elara faced challenges that tested not only her technical skills but also her understanding of magical principles.

One fateful night, during the peak of the Celestial Convergence, Elara completed the Aether Amplifier. The device hummed with a fusion of arcane energy and technological brilliance. As she activated it, a portal to the "Celestial Nexus" opened—a realm where magic and technology seamlessly intertwined. Elara marveled at the beauty of this convergence, realizing that her invention had successfully bridged two worlds.

The news of Elara's achievement spread across Celestria, attracting scholars, engineers, and wizards eager to study the Aether Amplifier. However, Elara remained humble, emphasizing the importance of unity between magic and technology for the progress of their society. The Celestial Convergence became a symbol of inspiration for future generations, reminding them that through collaboration and innovation, the possibilities were limitless in the realm of Celestria.

Q1) What was Elara's dream in the land of Celestria?

A. To become a powerful wizard

B. To create a device harnessing the power of magic and technology

C. To explore the Enchanted Mountains

D. To master ancient runes

Answer: B. To create a device harnessing the power of magic and technology

Q2) What was Elara's workshop filled with?

A. Modern gadgets

B. Enchanted creatures

C. Energy of innovation

D. Magical potions

Answer: C. Energy of innovation

Q3) What did Elara's invention involve?

A. Chemical reactions

B. Only technological components

C. Intricate runes, enchanted crystals, and mystical creatures' essence

D. Traditional machinery

Answer: C. Intricate runes, enchanted crystals, and mystical creatures' essence

Q4) What event inspired Elara's quest to build the "Aether Amplifier"?

A. A magical festival

B. Celestial Convergence

C. Technological Exhibition

D. Enchanted Mountain Summit

Answer: B. Celestial Convergence

Q5) What powered the gears in Elara's invention?

A. Electricity

B. Essence of mystical creatures

C. Steam

D. Solar energy

Answer: B. Essence of mystical creatures

Q6) When did Elara complete the Aether Amplifier?

A. At dawn

B. During a lunar eclipse

C. On a fateful night during the Celestial Convergence

D. At sunset

Answer: C. On a fateful night during the Celestial Convergence

Q7) What happened when Elara activated the Aether Amplifier?

A. A portal to the Celestial Nexus opened

B. A magical storm ensued

C. The Enchanted Mountains shook

D. The device malfunctioned

Answer: A. A portal to the Celestial Nexus opened

Q8) What did the Celestial Nexus represent?

A. A secret society

B. A mythical creature

C. A magical realm where magic and technology intertwined

D. An ancient city

Answer: C. A magical realm where magic and technology intertwined

Q9) What did the Celestial Convergence become a symbol of?

A. Technological progress

B. Ancient rituals

C. Inspiration for future generations

D. Celestial events

Answer: C. Inspiration for future generations

Q10) What did Elara emphasize regarding the progress of their society?

A. Importance of magic over technology

B. The necessity of isolation

C. The importance of unity between magic and technology

D. The exclusion of wizards from innovation

Answer: C. The importance of unity between magic and technology

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