Unseen passage for Class 7 - #04

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the bustling city of Metropolis, where technology and innovation thrived, lived a teenage prodigy named Olivia. Gifted with an extraordinary talent for inventing, Olivia was determined to create a device that could harness the power of dreams. Her invention, the DreamSync, promised to allow users to experience and control their dreams like never before.

Olivia's journey began in her small workshop, where she spent countless hours refining the DreamSync's design and functionality. The device consisted of a sleek headset equipped with advanced neural interfaces, allowing it to connect directly to the user's brain. Olivia's goal was to bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious realms.

As the prototype neared completion, Olivia faced a critical decision—she needed a rare crystal known as the Morpheus Shard to amplify the DreamSync's capabilities. The catch was that the shard was guarded by the enigmatic Dreamweaver, a mythical being residing in the Dream Realm. Undeterred, Olivia used her inventive prowess to construct a portal generator, enabling her to access the Dream Realm.

Entering the Dream Realm was no easy feat, and Olivia encountered surreal landscapes and challenges. She navigated through fields of floating ideas and faced manifestations of self-doubt and creativity hurdles. Along the way, she met the Dreamweaver, a wise and ethereal entity intrigued by Olivia's quest.

The Dreamweaver presented Olivia with a series of riddles and puzzles, testing not only her intellect but also her determination. After successfully solving the challenges, Olivia earned the respect of the Dreamweaver, who entrusted her with the Morpheus Shard. Returning to the waking world, Olivia integrated the shard into the DreamSync, completing her groundbreaking invention.

Q1) What is the name of the device Olivia is inventing?

A. DreamMaster

B. DreamSync

C. MindConnect

D. VisionQuest

Answer: B. DreamSync

Q2) What is the DreamSync's main feature?

A. Time travel

B. Teleportation

C. Power of dreams

D. Mind reading

Answer: C. Power of dreams

Q3) What component does Olivia need to amplify the DreamSync's capabilities?

A. Quantum Core

B. Morpheus Shard

C. Dream Amplifier

D. Neural Interface

Answer: B. Morpheus Shard

Q4) What is the catch with obtaining the Morpheus Shard?

A. It's expensive

B. It's guarded by the Dreamweaver

C. It's in another dimension

D. It's invisible

Answer: B. It's guarded by the Dreamweaver

Q5) What did Olivia use to access the Dream Realm?

A. Magical potion

B. Portal generator

C. DreamSync headset

D. Time machine

Answer: B. Portal generator

Q6) What challenges did Olivia face in the Dream Realm?

A. Financial difficulties

B. Self-doubt and creativity hurdles

C. Physical obstacles

D. Time constraints

Answer: B. Self-doubt and creativity hurdles

Q7) What entity guards the Morpheus Shard in the Dream Realm?

A. Dreamcatcher

B. Dreamseeker

C. Dreamweaver

D. Dreamkeeper

Answer: C. Dreamweaver

Q8) How did Olivia earn the respect of the Dreamweaver?

A. By offering gifts

B. By solving riddles and puzzles

C. By showing her magical prowess

D. By displaying physical strength

Answer: B. By solving riddles and puzzles

Q9) What did Olivia integrate into the DreamSync to complete her invention?

A. Magical potion

B. Quantum Core

C. Dreamweaver's blessing

D. Morpheus Shard

Answer: D. Morpheus Shard

Q10) What did Olivia become after completing her quest?

A. Dreamwalker

B. Sorceress of Dreams

C. Inventor of Fantasia

D. Guardian of Dreams

Answer: D. Guardian of Dreams

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