Unseen Passage for Class 6 - Passage 12

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Homework has always been a source of dread for many students, and young Tim was no exception. Tim found every possible excuse to avoid doing his homework. His room became a battlefield of creative distractions. From imaginary monsters under the bed to sudden urges to organize his bookshelf, Tim could think of anything but the task at hand.

One day, Tim's teacher, Mrs. Thompson, had had enough. She decided to have a one-on-one chat with Tim after class. Mrs. Thompson wanted to understand why Tim loathed homework so much. As they talked, Tim revealed that he found homework boring and felt it didn't contribute much to his learning.

Listening carefully, Mrs. Thompson decided to make a deal with Tim. She proposed that if he completed his homework diligently for a week, they would discuss alternative ways of learning that might interest him. Tim hesitantly agreed to the deal, and the challenge began.

Surprisingly, as the week progressed, Tim not only completed his homework but also found himself enjoying the process. Mrs. Thompson kept her promise and introduced Tim to interactive learning methods, incorporating games and discussions into the lessons. Tim's perspective on homework transformed, and he discovered that learning could indeed be fun.

From that day forward, Tim became more engaged in his studies. The once homework-averse boy started to look forward to the challenges of learning. Mrs. Thompson's approach not only helped Tim improve academically but also ignited a love for knowledge that would stay with him for years to come.

Q1) Why did Tim dislike doing homework?

A. He found it too easy

B. He thought it was boring and unhelpful

C. He had too much homework to do

D. His teacher didn't explain the tasks

Answer: B. He thought it was boring and unhelpful

Q2) Who was Tim's teacher?

A. Mrs. Smith

B. Mrs. Thompson

C. Mrs. Taylor

D. Mr. Johnson

Answer: B. Mrs. Thompson

Q3) What did Mrs. Thompson propose to Tim?

A. To give him more homework

B. To discuss alternative learning methods

C. To ignore his dislike for homework

D. To punish him for not doing homework

Answer: B. To discuss alternative learning methods

Q4) What changed Tim's perspective on homework?

A. A new homework assignment

B. Mrs. Thompson's promise

C. Completing his homework for a week

D. Mrs. Thompson's disciplinary action

Answer: C. Completing his homework for a week

Q5) What did Mrs. Thompson introduce to make learning more enjoyable for Tim?

A. More homework

B. Interactive learning methods, including games and discussions

C. Strict disciplinary measures

D. Longer study hours

Answer: B. Interactive learning methods, including games and discussions

Penguins are fascinating creatures that inhabit the icy regions of the Southern Hemisphere. These flightless birds have evolved to thrive in harsh, cold environments, showcasing unique adaptations to survive in their challenging habitats.

One remarkable feature of penguins is their distinctive black and white plumage. This coloring serves various purposes, such as camouflage while swimming in the ocean. From a predator's perspective below, the penguin's white belly blends with the light from above, making it harder to spot. Conversely, when viewed from above, their dark backs help them blend into the ocean depths, protecting them from predators.

Penguins are excellent swimmers and use their wings as flippers to navigate through the water. Their streamlined bodies reduce drag, allowing them to move swiftly and skillfully catch fish, squid, and other prey. On land, however, their waddling walk may seem comical, but it is an efficient way to move on the icy terrain.

These birds are also known for their strong social bonds. Many penguin species form large colonies, where they engage in various activities such as nesting, mating, and raising their chicks. Emperor penguins, for example, endure extreme Antarctic conditions, huddling together for warmth during the harsh winter months.

Despite their charming and endearing appearance, penguins face threats in the form of climate change, overfishing, and habitat destruction. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring the survival of these captivating birds and the delicate ecosystems they inhabit.

Q1) Where do penguins primarily live?

A. Northern Hemisphere

B. Eastern Hemisphere

C. Southern Hemisphere

D. Western Hemisphere

Answer: C. Southern Hemisphere

Q2) What purpose does the black and white plumage of penguins serve?

A. Attracting mates

B. Camouflage while swimming

C. Regulating body temperature

D. Indicating age

Answer: B. Camouflage while swimming

Q3) How do penguins move on land?

A. Flying

B. Walking with a smooth gait

C. Using their wings as flippers

D. Waddling

Answer: D. Waddling

Q4) What is a notable characteristic of penguins' wings?

A. They are used for flying

B. They have sharp claws

C. They function as flippers

D. They are brightly colored

Answer: C. They function as flippers

Q5) Why do Emperor penguins huddle together?

A. To conserve energy

B. For socializing

C. To stay warm during winter

D. To protect themselves from predators

Answer: C. To stay warm during winter

Q6) What threat do penguins face according to the passage?

A. Overpopulation

B. Climate change

C. Lack of social bonds

D. Bright plumage

Answer: B. Climate change

Q7) What is the primary diet of penguins?

A. Berries and nuts

B. Fish, squid, and other prey

C. Insects and small animals

D. Plants and vegetation

Answer: B. Fish, squid, and other prey

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