Class 6 NSO Topper's prep guide

National Science Olympiad also commonly known as NSO is a competitive exam conducted every year by the Science Olympiad Foundation, SOF for school children.

Class 6 NSO Topper's prep guide of Olympiadtester has top quality online mock tests, daily sample question papers, chapter-wise practice tests, printable pdf worksheets, higher order thinking (HOT) and previous year question bank. We are the preferred Science Olympiad exam preparation platform of #1 International rankers and gold medalists. 

The syllabus of the Olympiads is the syllabus that is prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE and various state boards. Even for the second level or level 2  the syllabus will remain the same even though the child moves on to the next class.

For the preparation,of Olympiads, the child can use the prescribed books of CBSE/ICSE/STATE BOARDS as the syllabus is the same. The olympiad sample tests, olympiad mock tests and the olympiad chapterwise tests prepared by Olympiadtester strictly follow the exam patterns of NSO and help develop thorough understanding of the chapters and assess the progress in the subject.

Chapters included in our Calss 6 NSO prep Topper's prep guide are Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Our Environment (Water, Air Around us, Garbage in Garbage out), Sorting and Separation of Materials, Changes Around Us, The World of Living (Characteristics of Living Beings, Parts of Plants, Body Movements in Animals and Adaptation),  Food and its Components, Fibre to Fabric.


50 questions, 1 hr

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HOT + Previous year

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Frequently asked questions

What is Class 6 National Science Olympiad (NSO)?

Class 6 NSO is a competitive exam conducted by Science Olympiad foundation (SOF) at the national as well as international level .

This is a tough but a very prestigious exam to crack. The questions in this Olympiad are of higher order thinking and deeply test the Science concepts of grade 6 students.They help in developing competitve spirit among the school children.

What study material does Olympiadtester provide for Class 6 NSO preparation?

We provide the following study material to help prepare and excel at Class 6 Science Olympiads:

  • Class 6 NSO Online mock tests - Click here
  • Class 6 NSO Chapter-wise practice tests - Click here
  • Class 6 NSO Sample model question papers - Click here
  • Class 6 NSO higher order thinking questions - Click here
  • Class 6 NSO printable pdf worksheets - Click here
  • Class 6 NSO previous year questions - Click here

Kindly note that these tests  and study material are very helpful and can be used for both level 1 and level 2 of Class 6 Science Olympiad exams.

What are the exam dates for Class 6 NSO?

SOF NSO 2022 for grade 6 will be conducted on three dates. A school may select  any one date to conduct the SOF NSO as per it’s convenience. Each date of exam will have a separate question paper.

  • 1st date – 18th October 2022
  • 2nd date – 3rd November 2022
  • 3rd date – 1st December 2022

How can my child participate in Class 6 National Science Olympiad?

These competitive exams are open to all students to participate. Schools that are registered with SOF are given the registration forms which should be filled by the school and returned to SOF before the due date.The tests are organized in respective schools during the school hours.

Class 6 students who get selected in NSO level 1 will be eligible for SOF level 2 exam, which will be held in February 2022. 

What is the syllabus and format of Class 6 NSO?

There will be a total of 50 questions and the duration of the test is of 1 hour. The question paper will be divided into 3 sections.

Students can get a maximum of 60 marks. 

Section 1 : Will contain questions of logical reasoning  based on the chapters :- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

(No of questions = 10, Marks per question = 1)

Section 2 : Will contain questions from Class 6 science chapters - Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Our Environment (Water, Air Around us, Garbage in Garbage out), Sorting and Separation of Materials, Changes Around Us, The World of Living (Characteristics of Living Beings, Parts of Plants, Body Movements in Animals and Adaptation),  Food and its Components, Fibre to Fabric.

(No of questions = 35, Marks per question = 1)

Section 3 : Will contain Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus will be same as that of Section – 2.

(No of questions = 5, Marks per question = 3)

  • Level-I Olympiad exams will have 60% questions from the current class syllabus and the remaining 40% questions will be from the previous class syllabus, e.g. Class-6 NSO exam will have 60% questions from class-6 syllabus and 40% questions from class 5 syllabus.
  • Level-II Olympiad exams will have questions only from the current class syllabus.
  • ACHIEVERS SECTION will have higher order thinking (HOT) questions from the current class syllabus.

Kindly note that Class 6 Science Olympiads strictly follow the Science syllabus for Class 6 that is prescribed in schools across all boards.So the student can use the school text books to study the course and use the self assessment tests from Olympiad Prep guide of Olympiadtester to make concepts clearer and get a close experience of how the actual Olympiads would be.

What are the awards and rewards for Class 6 NSO?

Each student will be given a Student Performance Report (SPR). The SPR will help the student to assess the strong and weak points and also gives a detailed comparison on the performance of the Class 6 student with respect to other students at School, City, Zonal and International level. This will also give an analysis of the performance of the student in the past years.

International, Zonal & Class topper awards will be provided to 2nd level winners for Class 6. Each winner will be entitled to one award for an exam. The winners will be entitled to the higher level award only. For e.g., the international top 3 rank holders will be entitled to awards based on their International ranks. Awards accruing to them for Zonal ranks will be given to the next rank holder. Similarly, class topper award accruing to a Zonal award winner will be given to the next rank holder. Medals are gold /silver/ bronze coloured, as applicable. Winners will be awarded scholarships and cash rewards as per SOF guidelines.

When will the results be announced for Class 6 NSO?

The SOF Olympiad results 2022-22 will be declared within 8 weeks after the exam. The results of  SOF Olympiad 2022 will be sent to the respective schools.



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