Unseen Passage for Class 6 - Passage 06

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon in many households, and the Smith family was no exception. Sarah, the older sister, and Jake, the younger brother, often found themselves engaged in playful competitions. One day, their rivalry took an unexpected turn when they decided to have a baking contest.

The challenge was to bake the best chocolate chip cookies, a family favorite. Both Sarah and Jake were confident in their baking skills, and the kitchen quickly transformed into a battleground of flour, sugar, and chocolate chips. The air was filled with laughter and friendly banter as they each tried to outdo the other.

Sarah, with her experience in baking, opted for a traditional recipe handed down from their grandmother. On the other hand, Jake, armed with a creative flair, decided to experiment with adding a hint of cinnamon to his batch. The kitchen soon filled with the irresistible aroma of baking cookies, heightening the anticipation of the taste test.

Once the cookies were out of the oven, the family gathered to judge the results. The criteria were taste, texture, and overall appeal. Sarah's cookies were praised for their classic flavor and perfect chewiness, while Jake's cookies surprised everyone with a delightful combination of chocolate and cinnamon.

As the family enjoyed the delicious treats, the sibling rivalry transformed into a friendly bond. The baking contest became a cherished memory, reminding Sarah and Jake that sometimes, competition can bring joy and create lasting moments of togetherness.

Q1) What is the main theme of the passage?

A. Sibling rivalry in the Smith family

B. A traditional chocolate chip cookie recipe

C. The importance of family gatherings

D. The joy of friendly competitions

Answer: D. The joy of friendly competitions

Q2) What prompted Sarah and Jake to have a baking contest?

A. A school assignment

B. A family tradition

C. Their love for chocolate chip cookies

D. A request from their parents

Answer: C. Their love for chocolate chip cookies

Q3) How did Sarah approach the baking contest?

A. She used a creative recipe with cinnamon

B. She followed a traditional recipe from their grandmother

C. She experimented with unique ingredients

D. She asked for help from their parents

Answer: B. She followed a traditional recipe from their grandmother

Q4) What was Jake's creative twist in his chocolate chip cookies?

A. Adding a hint of cinnamon

B. Using unique ingredients

C. Baking them in a different shape

D. Making them extra-large

Answer: A. Adding a hint of cinnamon

Q5) What criteria were used to judge the cookies?

A. Appearance, taste, and smell

B. Taste, texture, and overall appeal

C. Size, color, and shape

D. Creativity, presentation, and flavor

Answer: B. Taste, texture, and overall appeal

Q6) How were Sarah's cookies described by the judges?

A. Overly sweet

B. Classic flavor and perfect chewiness

C. Too soft

D. Lacking in creativity

Answer: B. Classic flavor and perfect chewiness

Deep in the night sky, there is a celestial body that captures the fascination of astronomers and stargazers alike. This extraordinary phenomenon is known as a comet. Comets are icy bodies that originate in the outer reaches of our solar system, where temperatures are extremely low. As comets approach the sun, the heat causes the icy material to vaporize, creating a glowing coma or halo around the nucleus. The tail of a comet, often illuminated by sunlight, points away from the sun and can stretch for millions of miles.

One of the most famous comets in history is Halley's Comet. Named after astronomer Edmond Halley, who predicted its return, this comet is visible from Earth approximately every 76 years. Its last appearance was in 1986, and it is expected to be visible again in the mid-21st century. When Halley's Comet approaches the sun, it becomes a brilliant spectacle in the night sky, captivating observers with its bright coma and long, sweeping tail.

Scientists study comets to learn more about the early solar system. Cometary material is believed to contain remnants of the building blocks that formed the planets and other celestial bodies. Space missions, like NASA's Stardust mission, have even collected samples from comet tails to analyze their composition. Comets remain intriguing objects in the cosmos, offering insights into the mysteries of our solar system's past.

Q1) What causes the glowing coma or halo around a comet's nucleus?

A. High temperatures

B. Low temperatures

C. Sunlight

D. Gravity

Answer: A. High temperatures

Q2) Which comet is named after the astronomer who predicted its return?

A. Hale-Bopp Comet


C. Halley's Comet

D. Encke's Comet

Answer: C. Halley's Comet

Q3) Approximately how often is Halley's Comet visible from Earth?

A. Every 10 years

B. Every 50 years

C. Every 76 years

D. Every 100 years

Answer: C. Every 76 years

Q4) What happens to cometary material as comets approach the sun?

A. It freezes

B. It vaporizes

C. It solidifies

D. It expands

Answer: B. It vaporizes

Q5) Why do scientists study comets?

A. To predict their orbits

B. To learn about the early solar system

C. To mine resources

D. To observe their colors

Answer: B. To learn about the early solar system

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