Unseen Passage for Class 6 - Passage 04

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where the lush green canopy meets the flowing rivers, resides an extraordinary creature—the Amazon River Dolphin. Also known as the Pink River Dolphin, these unique mammals are native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America.

Amazon River Dolphins are known for their distinctive pink coloration, which is more prominent in males. They navigate through the murky waters using a sophisticated echolocation system, emitting sounds that bounce off objects, helping them locate prey and navigate the complex river environment. Their flexible necks allow them to move their heads in various directions, providing enhanced maneuverability.

These dolphins are highly intelligent and exhibit playful behavior, often leaping and somersaulting above the water's surface. Despite their charm, the Amazon River Dolphins face numerous threats, including habitat degradation, pollution, and accidental entanglement in fishing gear. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these fascinating creatures and their unique ecosystem.

Q1) What is another name for the Amazon River Dolphin?

A. Aqua Dolphin

B. Pink River Dolphin

C. Rainforest Dolphin

D. Amazon Pinkie

Answer: B. Pink River Dolphin

Q2) What is the distinctive color of Amazon River Dolphins?

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Pink

D. Gray

Answer: C. Pink

Q3) How do Amazon River Dolphins navigate through the water?

A. Visual cues

B. Scent trails

C. Echolocation

D. Magnetic fields

Answer: C. Echolocation

Q4) What allows Amazon River Dolphins to move their heads in various directions?

A. Rigid neck

B. Hinged jaw

C. Flexible neck

D. Muscular tail

Answer: C. Flexible neck

Q5) What threats do Amazon River Dolphins face?

A. Predators

B. Pollution and habitat degradation

C. Overfishing

D. Disease

Answer: B. Pollution and habitat degradation

Exploring the mysteries of the deep ocean, scientists have encountered a fascinating creature known as the giant squid. With eyes the size of basketballs and tentacles that can reach lengths of up to 43 feet (13 meters), the giant squid is a legendary and elusive marine species.

Giant squids are known to inhabit the darkest depths of the ocean, where sunlight struggles to penetrate. Their incredible size and unique anatomy make them a subject of both scientific curiosity and maritime folklore. Despite their massive size, these squids are expert hunters, using their powerful tentacles and sharp beaks to capture prey, including large fish and other squids.

One of the most intriguing aspects of giant squids is their ability to produce bioluminescent light. Specialized light-producing organs called photophores cover their bodies, allowing them to create mesmerizing displays in the deep ocean. Scientists believe that this bioluminescence may serve various purposes, such as communication, attracting mates, or luring prey.

While giant squids have been the subject of much speculation and myth throughout history, recent advancements in deep-sea exploration have allowed scientists to capture rare footage and specimens, shedding light on the mysterious life of these incredible creatures.

Q6) What is one remarkable feature of the giant squid's eyes?

A. They are tiny and inconspicuous

B. They are the size of basketballs

C. They have multiple colors

D. They are covered in scales

Answer: B. They are the size of basketballs

Q7) What is the maximum length of the giant squid's tentacles?

A. 10 feet (3 meters)

B. 20 feet (6 meters)

C. 30 feet (9 meters)

D. 43 feet (13 meters)

Answer: D. 43 feet (13 meters)

Q8) In which part of the ocean do giant squids primarily live?

A. Surface waters

B. Coral reefs

C. Deepest ocean depths

D. Shallow coastal areas

Answer: C. Deepest ocean depths

Q9) What do giant squids use to capture prey?

A. Claws

B. Suction cups on their tentacles

C. Sharp beaks

D. Poisonous spines

Answer: C. Sharp beaks

Q10) What is the purpose of the giant squid's bioluminescence?

A. Blending in with the surroundings

B. Attracting mates

C. Warning predators

D. Navigation in the dark

Answer: B. Attracting mates

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