English Olympiad Class 6 - Sample question paper 09

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Word and Structure knowledge

Choose the most suitable answer from the given options to complete each sentence

Q) She has several toys _________ work on solar batteries.

(A) with which

(B) which has

(C) which

(D) have to

Answer: (C) which

Q) She has so much to do that she is hardly _________ with any time in the morning.

(A) left

(B) will leave

(C) had left

(D) leaving

Answer: (A) left

Q) The school captain is supposed to be the _________ athlete amongst all the students.

(A) good

(B) most best

(C) better

(D) best

Answer: (D) best

Q) If you were to write a story, what _________ you write?

(A) will

(B) should

(C) may

(D) would

Answer: (D) would

Q) We are all very _________ about the big event planned at our university.

(A) united

(B) joyous

(C) celebratory

(D) excited

Answer: (D) excited

Q) The sound of elephants _________ far away in the forest was heard the whole night long.

(A) howling

(B) neighing

(C) trumpeting

(D) screaming

Answer: (C) trumpeting

Q) She’s never learned a foreign language. This course is going to be a _________.

(A) cake-walk

(B) challenge

(C) deal

(D) calculation

Answer: (B) challenge

Q) My job is very _________, so I escape to the countryside to get away from it all.

(A) stressful

(B) insignificant

(C) relaxing

(D) underline

Answer: (A) stressful

Q) Journalists often _________ on subjects which are of interest to most people.

(A) construct

(B) report

(C) create

(D) invent

Answer: (B) report

Q) Can children _________ themselves as clearly as adults?

(A) express

(B) communicate

(C) approach

(D) converse

Answer: (A) express

Q) He was advised by a consultant on how to be _________ at the interview.

(A) victory

(B) winning

(C) successful

(D) get passed

Answer: (C) successful

Q) When I went to the supermarket, I ended up _________ what I did not intend to.

(A) bought

(B) buying

(C) to buy

(D) buy

Answer: (B) buying

Q) I’m going to the market as we don’t have _________ bread at home.

(A) some

(B) any

(C) a

(D) none of the above

Answer: (B) any

Q) I wonder what can be done to save the _________ species.

(A) endangered

(B) danger

(C) dangerous

(D) almost engendered

Answer: (A) endangered

Q) She absolutely _________ her granddaughter.

(A) endear

(B) adores

(C) crazy about

(D) fond of

Answer: (B) adores

Q) If I were him, I’d _________ the police.

(A) tell

(B) would tell

(C) told

(D) have tell

Answer: (A) tell

Q) _________ she studied hard, she was unable to get a good grade.

(A) All though

(B) Although

(C) Even

(D) Even so

Answer: (B) Although

Q) I can write really fast however, my brother _________.

(A) can’t

(B) couldn’t

(C) will not

(D) won’t

Answer: (A) can’t

Choose the most suitable word/phrase

Q) She has a fantastic memory. She can remember _________ that she hears and sees.

(A) everything

(B) something

(C) nothing

(D) none of the above

Answer: (A) everything

Q) The teacher has _________ knowledge from the many books she reads.

(A) too much

(B) much

(C) many

(D) too many

Answer: (B) much

Q) A dinner meeting with the President is _________ for him.

(A) all in a day’s work

(B) all in a days’ work

(C) all in day work

(D) all in a day work

Answer: (A) all in a day’s work

Q) More and more students want to study _________ in order to experience a different culture.

(A) overseas

(B) university

(C) higher education

(D) migrate

Answer: (A) overseas

Q) How long _________ out of town?

(A) has been

(B) has they been

(C) has he been

(D) has I been

Answer: (C) has he been

Q) What is a policeman’s job?

(A) To comfort

(B) To enforce law

(C) To prescribe

(D) To jail people

Answer: (B) To enforce law

Q) I’m a medical student and will _________ in January and can start practising.

(A) qualify

(B) accomplish

(C) work

(D) achieve

Answer: (A) qualify

Q) We have _________ of eggs in the refrigerator so baking a large cake is possible.

(A) few

(B) less

(C) lots

(D) fewer

Answer: (C) lots

How many words are misspelt in the sentences below?

Q) She loves to go to museums.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (D) None of the above.

Explanation: No misspelled words in this sentence.

Q) Growing a bussiness inwolves a lot of hard vork.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (A) 3.

Explanation: Incorrectly spelled words: "bussiness" (business), "inwolves" (involves), "vork" (work).

Q) This is a new coarse to prepare stewdents for the exams.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (B) 2.

Explanation: Incorrectly spelled words: "coarse" (course), "stewdents" (students).


Passage 1 - The game of football is loved by people of all ages and all over the world. You might not find a single nation on the globe that does not have a passion for the game. On inquiry, people have stated that they have plenty of reasons to love the game, however, the topmost one is that it is simple to follow. Another factor in its favor is that you don’t need to be young and rich to be able to afford to play this game. It can be played on any kind of playground or wasteland. Also, it requires no special equipment except for a football, of course!

In fact, the game of football has changed the way people spend their leisure time. Every game played is covered by the media extensively. More and more countries have begun to invest large sums of money in the game as the returns on investment are fantastic. Consequently, footballers are paid unbelievable sums of money to represent their countries.

Q) What do people like most about the game of football?

(A) It is easy to understand.

(B) It only needs a football.

(C) It can even be played on wasteland.

(D) It can make you rich.

Answer: (A) It is easy to understand.

Q) What is the meaning of “to have a passion for the game”?

(A) A robust sense of tiredness

(B) A durable emotion

(C) A sturdiness and resilience

(D) A strong feeling of enthusiasm

Answer: (D) A strong feeling of enthusiasm

Q) What does the word ‘unbelievable’ refer to?

(A) Sums of money

(B) Mathematical sums

(C) Summary of things

(D) Summarising

Answer: (A) Sums of money

Q) Football has changed the way people _______.

(A) are passionate

(B) play games

(C) use their leisure time

(D) socialize with one another

Answer: (C) use their leisure time

Passage 2 - Most people believe that the best time of one’s life is childhood. There are a few responsibilities and no bills to worry about. A child does not have to worry about getting a job, making a successful career or doing the household chores. This enables a child to have lots of free time that they can devote to play, which can build up their creativity. This can give children a life that is filled with excitement and new happenings. Having said this, there are times when children might find it difficult to buy all the things they want with the insufficient pocket money they get. Adults surely have less restrictions in a few things when compared to a child.

Q) According to the passage, a child does not have to worry about doing the _________.

(A) household chores

(B) homework

(C) laundry

(D) accounts

Answer: (A) household chores

Q) Adults have less _________.

(A) independence

(B) bills

(C) restrictions

(D) restricted behaviour

Answer: (C) restrictions

Q) Why should children devote time to play? Devoting time to play helps the children _________.

(A) to be mentally alert

(B) to be creative

(C) to be fit

(D) socialize

Answer: (B) to be creative

Q) Which word in the second paragraph means ‘enthusiasm and pleasure’?

(A) Creativity

(B) Insufficient

(C) Restriction

(D) Excitement

Answer: (D) Excitement

Spoken and written expression

Choose the most suitable response to complete each conversation:

Q) ‘You are probably late to school, because you _________’.

(A) missed the school bus

(B) have been missing the bus

(C) ought to miss the school bus

(D) had missed the school bus

Answer: (B) have been missing the bus

Q) ‘He offered to lend her some money to pay her school fees.’

(A) ‘He is very generosity.’

(B) ‘He is very general.’

(C) ‘He is very genial.’

(D) ‘He is very generous.’

Answer: (D) ‘He is very generous.’

Q) Amanda: ‘We don’t have any milk in the refrigerator.’

Sam: ‘Don’t worry. We have _________ milk powder in the cabinet.’

(A) other

(B) another

(C) enough

(D) some

Answer: (C) enough

Q) Catherine: ‘She does not spend enough time on doing homework and yet she expects to get good grades.’

Bob: ‘_________.’

(A) That’s so very partial

(B) That’s not enough

(C) That’s good enough

(D) That’s not fair

Answer: (B) That’s not enough

Q) ‘Do you think we will be able to complete the presentation in time?’

A. ‘I do so think.’

B. ‘I don’t think so.’

C. ‘I don’t so think.’

D. ‘I don’t think absolutely.’

Answer: (B) ‘I don’t think so.’

Q) Catherine: ‘I’ve been having a difficult time with my children.’

Robert: ‘It’s not easy to _________ children these days.’

(A) bring on

(B) bring to

(C) bring about

(D) bring up

Answer: (D) bring up

Q) Vanessa: ‘My father passed away when I was six.’

Sonia: ‘ _________’

(A) Oh! My goodness!

(B) I’m so sorry to hear that.

(C) So did mine.

(D) I’m afraid it was unfortunate.

Answer: (B) I’m so sorry to hear that.

Achiever's Section

Q) Robin: ‘Have they finished their homework?’

Sam: ‘_________.’

(A) Yes, they have

(B) Yes, they do

(C) Yes, have got

(D) Yes, they do have

Answer: (A) Yes, they have

Q) Sonia: ‘I can’t understand why people _________ to speak English.’

(A) look ahead

(B) tried

(C) feel

(D) aren’t able

Answer: (D) aren’t able

Q) Her grades are a great cause for _________ to her teachers.

(A) trouble

(B) concern

(C) problem

(D) reason

Answer: (B) concern

Q) Ram and his sister _________ like a house on fire. They have so much in common.

(A) go on

(B) get up

(C) get by

(D) get along

Answer: (D) get along

Q) What does ‘beat around the bush’ mean?

(A) To be to the point.

(B) To be specific.

(C) To be confusing and vague.

(D) To avoid talking.

Answer: (C) To be confusing and vague.

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