Class 6 English Olympiad - Sample question paper 17

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Q.1) My mother _______ me to school in the morning

(A) brings

(B) fetches

(C) orders

(D) takes

Answer: (B) fetches

Q.2) It is wrong _______ you to withdraw from the competition at the eleventh hour.

(A) on

(B) to

(C) for

(D) of

Answer: (B) to

Q.3) I look forward to _______ a birthday cake for my mother this weekend.

(A) have baked

(B) baking

(C) bakes

(D) bake

Answer: (B) baking

Q.4) Mary ________ the movie after she had read the book.

(A) had understood

(B) understand

(C) understood

(D) understands

Answer: (C) understood

Q.5) The first thing my sister noticed about the two rabbits _______ their red shiny eyes.

(A) was

(B) are

(C) were

(D) is

Answer: (A) was

Q.6) Was it _______ who tried to sell drugs to the undercover policemen?

(A) them

(B) they

(C) their

(D) theirs

Answer: (B) they

Q.7) John overhead Jane ________ him a liar yesterday.

(A) calls

(B) was calling

(C) calling

(D) called

Answer: (C) calling

Q.8) "________ any visitors come, please ask them for their particulars," instructed the Discipline Master.

(A) Should

(B) might

(C) could

(D) would

Answer: (D) would

Q.9) I am late for the concert, _______ ?

(A) am I

(B) don't I

(C) aren't I

(D) isn't it

Answer: (C) aren't I

Q.10)For the past hour, Jane _______ uncontrollably.

(A) has been crying

(B) cried

(C) was crying

(D) had been crying

Answer: (A) has been crying

Q.11) The children like attending Assembly talks, ________ they?

(A) have

(B) do

(C) don't

(D) haven't

Answer: (B) do

Q.12) "Has anyone ever _______ this Indian song before?" Miss Lima asked the choir.

(A) sing

(B) sang

(C) sung

(D) sings

Answer: (C) sung

Q.13) "I am afraid I can't buy my present today. The shop only accepts all payment ________ cash," said Margaret.

(A) on

(B) through

(C) in

(D) by

Answer: (D) by

Q.14)You have wasted so _______ time by talking about your children instead of work.

(A) few

(B) much

(C) little

(D) many

Answer: (C) little

Q.15) _______ were you talking to just now?

(A) whom

(B) who

(C) where

(D) whose

Answer: (B) who

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