Unseen passage for Class 1 - Passage 04

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Unseen Passage - Ant and the Dove

Unseen passage for Class 1 - Ant and the dove

Once upon a time, there was a little ant who was very thirsty. She went to the brook to drink water, but the fast water carried her away.

A kind dove saw her and got a leaf from a bush. The dove put the leaf in the water, and the ant climbed on it. The leaf turned into a little boat, and they sailed down the stream safely.

Later, a man in the woods tried to catch the dove. The ant, wanting to help her friend, bit the man's heel. The man got surprised and let go of the dove. The dove flew away, and they were both safe and happy.

Q1) Why did the little ant go to the brook?

A. To find a leaf

B. To drink water

C. To catch the dove

D. To play in the water

Answer: B. To drink water

Q2) What did the dove do to help the ant?

A. Flew away

B. Got a leaf

C. Caught the ant

D. Ignored the ant

Answer: B. Got a leaf

Q3) How did the ant and the dove travel down the stream?

A. On a boat

B. On a leaf

C. On the ant's back

D. On the dove's wings

Answer: B. On a leaf

Q4) Who tried to catch the dove later in the story?

A. Another ant

B. A lion

C. A man

D. A fish

Answer: C. A man

Q5) How did the ant help the dove when the man tried to catch it?

A. By biting the man's heel

B. By flying away

C. By hiding in the bushes

D. By catching the man

Answer: A. By biting the man's heel

Q6) The ant bit the man on his ________.

A. Hand

B. Toe

C. Head

D. Heel

Answer: D. Heel

Q7) What carried away the ant in the brook?

A. A floating Leaf

B. A passing by boat

C. The dirt in the brook

D. Current of the water

Answer: D. Current

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