Unseen passage for Class 1 - Passage 03

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Unseen Passage - Billy the Clownfish

Unseen passage for Class 1 - Billy the Clownfish

Billy was feeling down in the ocean. As a clownfish, he believed he should be amusing. However, as a clownfish, he wasn't humorous.

He wasn't funny at all. He was quite serious and couldn't make anyone laugh.

He shared jokes with the tigerfish, but they didn't find it funny. He shared jokes with the pupfish, but they didn't laugh either.

"I am a clownfish, and I should be funny," Billy expressed aloud.

"You don't have to be funny," said a dolphin from nearby. "You are kind and helpful. You are friendly and smart."

"But clowns make people laugh, so a clownfish should make fish laugh," said Billy.

"The tigerfish do not act like tigers. The pupfish do not act like puppies," the dolphin explained.

"Billy, just be yourself."

So, Billy did just that. He stopped trying to tell jokes. Soon, the fish all liked him. Soon, he had a lot of fish friends.

One day, Billy said, "I am going to tell you all a joke."

"Billy, no! No more jokes!"

Billy said, "Just kidding!"

Q1) How did Billy feel in the ocean?

A. Excited

B. Sad

C. Happy

D. Bored

Answer: B. Sad

Q2) What did Billy believe he should be as a clownfish?

A. Serious

B. Kind

C. Funny

D. Smart

Answer: C. Funny

Q3) Who told Billy he didn't have to be funny?

A. Lionfish

B. Dogfish

C. Shark

D. Dolphin

Answer: D. Dolphin

Q4) What did Billy do to make fish like him?

A. Told more jokes

B. Acted like a tiger

C. Was himself

D. Played with friends

Answer: C. Was himself

Q5) What did Billy say after announcing he would tell a joke?

A. No more jokes

B. Just kidding

C. Let's hear it

D. Tell us another one

Answer: B. Just kidding

Q6) What kind of fish is Billy?

A. Pupfish

B. Clownfish

C. Lionfish

D. Tigerfish

Answer: B. Clownfish

Q7) As per the dolphin, does a tigerfish behave like a tiger?

A. Yes

B. No

Answer: B. No

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