Online Sliding puzzle for kids - Bornean Orangutan

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Solving the online Sliding puzzle for kids - Bornean Orangutan will enrich the general knowledge of your child while sharpening her / his analytical skills in a fun manner. These brain games for children are tough and go a long way in developing their problem solving skills. 


    STEP1 - Click one of the tiles closest to the empty space to slide it into the empty space.

    STEP 2 - Continue clicking the tiles to manipulate them into the empty spaces and form the picture at the right.
    STEP 3Solving the puzzle fast and with few moves will give you a higher score.


    • Most tile sliding puzzles are made up of three rows of three tiles each.Try to get one of the three rows lined up properly regarding tile order anywhere in the puzzle. For example, get the three tiles that go on the bottom row in order, even at the top of the puzzle.
    • Keep this row together as you Consider each piece carefully and try to figure out where it will go in the puzzle. This will help you as you manipulate them into the right place and as you line them up in rows of three.slide the tiles and it will be easier to solve the problem.
    • One of the hardest parts of solving a sliding puzzle is preventing future moves from ruining previous slides. There is nothing more frustating than having to move a new tile in a way that messes up all that you have done before. To prevent this, try to thing ahead and consider what will happen several moves in the future each time you slide a tile.

    Bornean orangutan populations have declined by more than 50% over the past 60 years, and the species' habitat has been reduced by at least 55% over the past 20 years.

    The Bornean orangutan differs in appearance from the Sumatran orangutan, with a broader face and shorter beard and also slightly darker in color. Three subspecies are recognized, each localized to different parts of the island:

    • Northwest Bornean orangutans are the most threatened subspecies. Its habitat has been seriously affected by logging and hunting, and a mere 1,500 individuals or so remain. Many habitat patches in the area are small and fragmented.
    • Northeast Bornean orangutans are the smallest in size and found in Sabah and eastern Kalimantan as far as the Mahakam River.
    • Central Bornean orangutans are the subspecies with the most animals, with at least 35,000 individuals.

    Why are they endangered?

    Orangutan numbers and distribution have declined rapidly since the middle of the 20th century, due to human activities. These include hunting, unsustainable and often illegal logging, mining, and conversion of forests to agriculture. One particularly catastrophic event was the 1997-98 forest fires in Kalimantan, which killed up to 8,000 individual orangutans.

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