Puzzle - Strawberries

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Along with the online jigsaw puzzle on 'Strawberries', we are sharing some interesting facts about these berries. Share your score in the comments section along with additional facts you can gather.

Please note - You can change the difficulty level of this online jigsaw puzzle by choosing different number of jigsaw pieces. 


Strawberries have a juicy, sweet and slightly acidic taste.

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and are considered to be anti-inflammatory . 

Joint paints and gastrointestinal uneasiness can be eased with the leaves of strawberries.

On an average, there are 200 seeds in each strawberry.

During spring, they are the first fruits to ripen.

They are 5 to 7 petals in the flowers of strawberries. 

Ancient romans used strawberries to treat many dieseases including sore throats, depression etc.

50,000 pounds of strawberries can be grown in just one acre of land.

April to June is the peak harvesting season of strawberries.

Strawberries can be grown by planting one berry in the ground.

In belgium, there is an exclusive museum for strawberries.

Strawberries contain more 'Vitamin C' than oranges.


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