27 trending Idioms related to human feet

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

1. Feet of clay

  • Meaning: Hidden weakness or vulnerability in a person who appears strong or admirable.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite his success, the CEO had feet of clay, as his personal life was filled with scandals.

  • Sentence Usage 2: People were surprised when the seemingly perfect celebrity showed feet of clay during the controversy.

2. Back on your feet

  • Meaning: Recovered from a setback or difficulty; restored to a stable condition.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After the financial crisis, it took a while, but he eventually got back on his feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: With supportive friends and family, she managed to get back on her feet after the divorce.

3. Cut the ground from under someone's feet

  • Meaning: To undermine or destroy someone's plans or position.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The unexpected competitor's product launch cut the ground from under our feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: His scheming colleague tried to cut the ground from under his feet by spreading false rumors.

4. Drag one's feet

  • Meaning: Delay or be slow in taking action; to procrastinate.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The manager warned the team not to drag their feet in completing the project.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Instead of dragging your feet, it's better to address the issue promptly.

5. Find one's feet

  • Meaning: To become accustomed to a new situation or environment; to gain confidence.

  • Sentence Usage 1: It took a few weeks, but she eventually found her feet in the new job.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Moving to a new city can be challenging, but he quickly found his feet and made friends.

6. Get cold feet

  • Meaning: To become nervous or anxious, especially before a significant event or decision.

  • Sentence Usage 1: He got cold feet just before the wedding and called it off.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Don't get cold feet; you've prepared well for the presentation.

7. Get one's feet wet

  • Meaning: To gain initial experience or exposure in a particular activity.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Before taking on major projects, interns often get their feet wet with smaller tasks.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The new employee was eager to get his feet wet in the company's culture.

8. Have itchy feet

  • Meaning: Feeling restless or having a strong desire to travel or move on.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After years in the same city, she developed itchy feet and decided to explore new places.

  • Sentence Usage 2: He always had itchy feet and couldn't stay in one place for too long.

9. Have the world at your feet

  • Meaning: To be extremely successful or admired by others.

  • Sentence Usage 1: With his talent and achievements, he had the world at his feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She felt like she had the world at her feet after winning the prestigious award.

10. Keep your feet on the ground

  • Meaning: To remain realistic and not become overly optimistic or dreamy.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite the success, he always kept his feet on the ground and stayed humble.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's essential to keep your feet on the ground when making financial plans.

21. Put one's best foot forward

  • Meaning: To make a good impression by showing one's best qualities or efforts.

  • Sentence Usage 1: When attending the interview, she made sure to put her best foot forward.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's essential to put your best foot forward when meeting new people in a professional setting.

22. Put one's foot down

  • Meaning: To assert authority or set a firm limit or decision.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The manager had to put his foot down to address the ongoing performance issues.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Sometimes, parents need to put their foot down to establish rules for their children.

23. Put one's foot in one's mouth

  • Meaning: To say something inappropriate, embarrassing, or foolish.

  • Sentence Usage 1: During the meeting, he accidentally put his foot in his mouth by making an insensitive comment.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's crucial to think before speaking to avoid putting your foot in your mouth.

24. The shoe is on the other foot

  • Meaning: The situation has reversed, and someone else is now in a position of advantage or control.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After years of being the underdog, now the shoe is on the other foot, and they lead the industry.

  • Sentence Usage 2: He used to be the boss, but now the shoe is on the other foot, and he reports to a new manager.

25. Shoot yourself in the foot

  • Meaning: To do something that unintentionally harms one's own interests or efforts.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Making that impulsive decision turned out to be a way to shoot yourself in the foot.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's important to consider the consequences and not shoot yourself in the foot with hasty actions.

26. Get a foothold

  • Meaning: To establish a stable position or foundation in a particular situation.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The new business struggled initially but eventually got a foothold in the market.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Building a strong network is essential to get a foothold in the competitive industry.

27. Footloose and fancy-free

  • Meaning: Unattached, carefree, and without responsibilities.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After finishing college, he enjoyed a period of being footloose and fancy-free before starting a job.

  • Sentence Usage 2: During her sabbatical, she embraced a footloose and fancy-free lifestyle, traveling and exploring new places.

11. Land on your feet

  • Meaning: To recover successfully from a difficult situation or problem.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite the setbacks, she always managed to land on her feet and move forward.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The company faced challenges, but it found a way to land on its feet and thrive.

12. Pull the rug from under someone's feet

  • Meaning: To unexpectedly undermine or betray someone.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The sudden change in leadership pulled the rug from under the team's feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's disheartening when a trusted friend pulls the rug from under your feet.

13. Regain one's feet

  • Meaning: To recover and return to a stable or successful state.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After a period of struggle, the business finally regained its feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It took months, but he eventually regained his feet after the accident.

14. Rushed off your feet

  • Meaning: Extremely busy or overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The event was so popular that the organizers were rushed off their feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: During the holiday season, retail workers are often rushed off their feet.

15. Stand on your own two feet

  • Meaning: To be independent and self-sufficient.

  • Sentence Usage 1: It's important for young adults to learn how to stand on their own two feet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: After years of support, he was finally able to stand on his own two feet.

16. Think on one's feet

  • Meaning: To make quick decisions and respond effectively in a challenging situation.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The job requires employees who can think on their feet and adapt to changes.

  • Sentence Usage 2: During the crisis, she had to think on her feet to find a solution.

17. Have two left feet

  • Meaning: To be clumsy or awkward, especially in dancing or physical activities.

  • Sentence Usage 1: I would love to dance, but I have two left feet!

  • Sentence Usage 2: He's a great singer, but he admits he has two left feet on the dance floor.

18. My foot!

  • Meaning: An expression of disbelief or rejection; nonsense!

  • Sentence Usage 1: He claimed he didn't eat the last cookie, but she responded, "My foot!"

  • Sentence Usage 2: When someone suggested he was the culprit, he replied, "My foot! I would never do that."

19. Have a foot in the door

  • Meaning: To have an initial opportunity or connection in a particular field or situation.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Securing an internship is a way to have a foot in the door of the industry.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Networking events can help you have a foot in the door when job hunting.

20. Have one foot in the grave

  • Meaning: To be very old or near death.

  • Sentence Usage 1: At 95, she joked that she had one foot in the grave but still enjoyed life.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Despite his age, he remained active and didn't feel like he had one foot in the grave.

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