15 Idioms on colours - Set 05

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

61. To be out of the red

  • Meaning: To cease having negative financial balances; operating at a financial profit.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After implementing cost-saving measures, the business successfully got out of the red.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Prudent financial management helped the family get out of the red and build savings.

62. A red flag

  • Meaning: A warning signal or sign indicating potential danger, concern, or a problematic situation.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The sudden drop in sales was a red flag for the company's financial health.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Ignoring these early warning signs can be like neglecting a red flag in business decisions.

63. Blood red

  • Meaning: A vivid and intense shade of red, resembling the color of blood.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The sunsets in the desert turned the sky a stunning blood red.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The artist chose a palette of deep reds, including blood red, to create a dramatic effect.

64. Beet red

  • Meaning: A deep red or purplish-red color resembling the shade of beets.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Embarrassment caused her face to turn beet red during the public speaking event.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The sunset painted the horizon in shades of orange and beet red.

65. Red hot

  • Meaning: Extremely hot, heated, or intense, often used metaphorically.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The debate on the controversial topic became red hot as emotions ran high.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The red hot metal glowed in the furnace before being shaped by the blacksmith.

66. Red herring

  • Meaning: A distraction or misleading clue intended to divert attention from the real issue or topic.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The false lead served as a red herring, leading investigators away from the actual culprit.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Including irrelevant details in the argument was a deliberate attempt to introduce a red herring.

67. Catch someone red-handed

  • Meaning: To apprehend someone in the act of committing a crime or wrongdoing.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The security cameras caught the thief red-handed as he attempted to steal the merchandise.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's challenging to deny involvement when caught red-handed with the evidence.

68. Red in the face

  • Meaning: Flushed or reddened due to embarrassment, anger, or exertion.

  • Sentence Usage 1: She turned red in the face when asked about the embarrassing incident.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Running a marathon left him red in the face but with a sense of accomplishment.

69. Red-eye

  • Meaning: A long-haul overnight flight, typically with minimal amenities and arriving early in the morning.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Taking the red-eye flight allowed him to maximize his time at the destination.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The red-eye was the most cost-effective option, despite the inconvenient arrival time.

70. Red-letter day

  • Meaning: A day of special significance or importance; a memorable or joyful occasion.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Graduation day was a red-letter day for all the students who had worked hard to earn their degrees.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Winning the championship became a red-letter day in the history of the sports team.

71. To look through rose-coloured/tinted spectacles/glasses

  • Meaning: To view a situation or person in an overly optimistic or positive light.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite the challenges, she tended to look through rose-colored glasses and focus on the silver linings.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Some investors may be looking through rose-tinted spectacles, underestimating potential risks.

72. Red tape

  • Meaning: Excessive bureaucratic procedures, paperwork, or official formalities that hinder efficiency.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The business owner struggled with red tape when trying to obtain necessary permits.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Cutting through red tape is essential for streamlining government processes.

73. To see the red

  • Meaning: To become angry or enraged; to reach a state of intense frustration or irritation.

  • Sentence Usage 1: It's important to remain calm and composed, even when others around you see the red.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The constant delays caused the normally patient person to see the red.

74. Paint the town red

  • Meaning: To go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly; to have a lively and exciting time.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After the successful project completion, the team decided to paint the town red.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's the weekend; let's paint the town red and celebrate our accomplishments!

75. Roll out the red carpet

  • Meaning: To treat someone with great hospitality, formality, and respect, often for a special occasion.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The celebrity was welcomed at the event with enthusiasm, and the organizers rolled out the red carpet.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's essential to roll out the red carpet for new employees to make them feel valued.

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