15 Idioms on animals - Set 05

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

61. Change horses in midstream

  • Meaning: To make a significant change in plans or strategies, especially when it's risky to do so.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Changing horses in midstream, the team decided to adopt a new marketing approach.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's unwise to change horses in midstream unless there's a compelling reason for the shift.

62. Charley horse

  • Meaning: A painful muscle cramp or stiffness, typically in the leg.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After the workout, he experienced a charley horse that left him temporarily unable to walk.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She massaged her calf to alleviate the charley horse that struck during the night.

63. Chickenfeed

  • Meaning: A small or inconsequential amount of money; something trivial or unimportant.

  • Sentence Usage 1: To him, the fine was just chickenfeed compared to his overall wealth.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The cost of the repairs was chickenfeed compared to the value of the vintage car.

64. Close the stable door after the horse has bolted

  • Meaning: To take action to prevent a problem only after the damage has been done.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Implementing stricter security measures now is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The new safety regulations came into effect, but some considered it closing the stable door after the horse had bolted.

65. Cloud cuckoo land

  • Meaning: A state of unrealistic or idealistic fantasy; an impractical, dreamy notion.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Believing that everything will magically work out is living in cloud cuckoo land.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The proposed project seemed to be based in cloud cuckoo land, lacking a practical foundation.

66. Cock and bull story

  • Meaning: An implausible or unbelievable tale; a fabricated and unlikely story.

  • Sentence Usage 1: His excuse for being late sounded like a cock and bull story; no one believed him.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The witness provided a cock and bull story that contradicted the evidence.

67. Cock in the henhouse

  • Meaning: An unwelcome or disruptive presence, especially one that causes tension or conflict.

  • Sentence Usage 1: His arrival at the family gathering was like a cock in the henhouse; arguments ensued.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Introducing a new policy without consultation is akin to throwing a cock in the henhouse.

68. Cock of the walk

  • Meaning: Someone who acts with great confidence and dominance, often arrogantly.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Ever since his promotion, he's been walking around like the cock of the walk.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The team captain behaved like the cock of the walk after their victory.

69. Cold fish

  • Meaning: A person who is emotionally detached, unresponsive, or unfriendly.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Although he was polite, his demeanor made him seem like a cold fish.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Her boss is a cold fish, rarely showing any emotion or interest in personal matters.

70. Cold turkey

  • Meaning: To quit a habit or addiction abruptly and completely.

  • Sentence Usage 1: She decided to quit smoking cold turkey and endured the withdrawal symptoms.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Going cold turkey can be challenging, but it's often the most effective way to break certain habits.

71. Come out of your shell

  • Meaning: To become more sociable, outgoing, or less reserved.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Over time, she started to come out of her shell and participate in group activities.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Encouraging shy individuals to come out of their shells requires a supportive environment.

72. Constitution of an ox

  • Meaning: Remarkable physical or mental strength and endurance.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite her age, she displayed the constitution of an ox during the challenging hike.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Athletes often need the constitution of an ox to endure rigorous training sessions.

73. Cook someone's goose

  • Meaning: To ruin someone's plans or bring an end to someone's prospects.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Revealing the confidential information could cook his goose in the company.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Attempting to discredit the opponent's reputation was a strategy to cook his goose.

74. Cool as a cat

  • Meaning: Calm and composed, especially in challenging situations.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Despite the chaos, she remained as cool as a cat, handling the crisis with ease.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Maintaining a cool demeanor in negotiations is essential; be as cool as a cat.

75. Could eat a horse

  • Meaning: Extremely hungry; having a voracious appetite.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After the long hike, they were so hungry that they could eat a horse.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Skipping lunch left her feeling like she could eat a horse by the time dinner came around.

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