15 Idioms on animals - Set 20

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

286. Mare's nest

  • Meaning: A situation or discovery that turns out to be imaginary or non-existent.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The plan to find hidden treasure turned out to be a mare's nest.

  • Sentence Usage 2: His claim of seeing a UFO was nothing but a mare's nest.

287. Meaner than a bobcat without a blowhole

  • Meaning: Extremely mean or malicious; emphasizing the lack of any redeeming qualities.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The bully was meaner than a bobcat without a blowhole.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's meaner than a bobcat without a blowhole when she's in a bad mood.

288. Memory like an elephant

  • Meaning: Having an exceptional ability to remember things or events.

  • Sentence Usage 1: He has a memory like an elephant; he never forgets a face.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Mary's memory is like an elephant; she can recall details from years ago.

289. Mess with a bull, you get the horns

  • Meaning: If you provoke or challenge someone or something, you'll face the consequences.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Don't mess with him; you know what they say, mess with a bull, you get the horns.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The team learned the hard way that messing with a bull gets you the horns.

290. Monkey business

  • Meaning: Deceptive or mischievous behavior, often intended to deceive or trick someone.

  • Sentence Usage 1: I don't want any monkey business; just get the job done.

  • Sentence Usage 2: There's too much monkey business going on in this office.

291. Monkey see, monkey do

  • Meaning: Imitating the actions of others without understanding the reasons behind them.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Children often engage in monkey see, monkey do behavior.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It's not about monkey see, monkey do; understand the purpose before copying.

292. More than one way to skin a cat

  • Meaning: There are many different ways to achieve the same result or accomplish a task.

  • Sentence Usage 1: There's more than one way to skin a cat, so explore different approaches.

  • Sentence Usage 2: In problem-solving, remember that there's more than one way to skin a cat.

293. My dogs are barking

  • Meaning: My feet are hurting or sore.

  • Sentence Usage 1: After the long hike, my dogs are barking!

  • Sentence Usage 2: These shoes are uncomfortable; my dogs are barking.

294. Nature of the beast

  • Meaning: The inherent or essential qualities or characteristics of something.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Some things are just the nature of the beast; you can't change them.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Dealing with bureaucracy is the nature of the beast in government organizations.

295. Neither fish nor fowl

  • Meaning: Not belonging to any particular category or not easily classified.

  • Sentence Usage 1: His new invention was neither fish nor fowl; it didn't fit into existing categories.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The concept was neither fish nor fowl, making it difficult for investors to understand.

296. Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

  • Meaning: Extremely nervous or uneasy.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Waiting for the results made her nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The first day at a new job can make anyone as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

297. Night owl

  • Meaning: A person who stays up and is active late into the night.

  • Sentence Usage 1: I've always been a night owl; I find it more peaceful to work late at night.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Night owls often enjoy the quiet hours when everyone else is asleep.

298. No dog in this fight

  • Meaning: Not having any personal interest or stake in a particular situation or issue.

  • Sentence Usage 1: I don't have a dog in this fight; I'm neutral and don't benefit either way.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Stay out of arguments where you have no dog in the fight to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

299. No spring chicken

  • Meaning: Not young anymore; past the prime of youth.

  • Sentence Usage 1: At 50, he's no spring chicken, but he's still active and energetic.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She may not be a spring chicken, but her enthusiasm for life is contagious.

300. Not enough room to swing a cat

  • Meaning: A very confined or cramped space.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The apartment was so small; there wasn't enough room to swing a cat.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The backstage area was tiny, with not enough room to swing a cat.

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