2000 Important idioms - Set 06

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

126. A low blow

  • Meaning: A big disappointment.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Losing the championship match was a low blow for the team and their fans.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Getting laid off without warning was a low blow to his career.

127. A maiden speech

  • Meaning: First public address.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The politician delivered her maiden speech with confidence and poise.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The student's maiden speech impressed the entire school during the assembly.

128. A man/woman about town

  • Meaning: One well-used to life in fashionable cities.

  • Sentence Usage 1: As a man about town, he knew all the trendy spots in the city.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman about town, always attending the latest events and social gatherings.

129. A man/woman in thousands

  • Meaning: One of unusual quality or talent.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The artist was a man in thousands, known for his unique style and creativity.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman in thousands, excelling in both business and philanthropy.

130. A man/woman of letters

  • Meaning: A writer and scholar.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The university honored the man of letters for his contributions to literature.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman of letters, having published several acclaimed novels.

131. A man/woman of spirit

  • Meaning: A courageous one.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The captain was a man of spirit, leading his team with determination.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman of spirit, never backing down from a challenge.

132. A man/woman of the straw

  • Meaning: A cowardly person.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The soldiers mocked the man of the straw for fleeing the battlefield.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The play portrayed the antagonist as a man of the straw, afraid of confrontation.

133. A man in a million

  • Meaning: Incomparable.

  • Sentence Usage 1: He's a man in a million, always putting others' needs before his own.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Winning the Nobel Prize made him a man in a million in the scientific community.

134. A man of his words

  • Meaning: A man to be depended on, a trustworthy man.

  • Sentence Usage 1: He's a man of his words; if he promises something, he delivers.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Being a man of his words, he never broke a commitment.

135. A man of letters

  • Meaning: A lover of literature.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The library was frequented by men of letters, discussing their favorite books.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman of letters, contributing articles to literary magazines.

136. A man of means

  • Meaning: A rich person.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The philanthropist was a man of means, contributing generously to charitable causes.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Being a man of means, he lived a luxurious lifestyle.

137. A man of mettle

  • Meaning: Determined.

  • Sentence Usage 1: In the face of adversity, he proved to be a man of mettle, never giving up.

  • Sentence Usage 2: She's a woman of mettle, facing challenges with resilience and courage.

138. A man of parts

  • Meaning: Smart person.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The scholar was a man of parts, excelling in multiple fields of study.

  • Sentence Usage 2: He's a man of parts, equally skilled in science and the arts.

139. A man of straw

  • Meaning: A man with a dependent nature.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The employer exploited the man of straw, paying him low wages.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The character in the novel was portrayed as a man of straw, easily manipulated by others.

140. A mare’s nest

  • Meaning: A wrong discovery.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The supposed treasure turned out to be a mare's nest, disappointing the treasure hunters.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The investigation revealed that the conspiracy was a mare's nest, a product of misinformation.

141. A moot point

  • Meaning: Topic of discussion.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Whether to implement the new policy was a moot point in the board meeting.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The debate centered around a moot point, with no clear resolution.

142. A moral certainty

  • Meaning: Something which seems inevitable.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The success of the project was a moral certainty, given the team's dedication.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The outcome of the trial appeared to be a moral certainty based on the evidence.

143. A narrow escape

  • Meaning: Escape made with great difficulty.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The hiker had a narrow escape from the clutches of the wild animals in the forest.

  • Sentence Usage 2: It was a narrow escape for the driver as the brakes failed, but he managed to stop the car just in time.

144. An earthing

  • Meaning: Failure or misfortune.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The sudden market crash was an earthing for many investors who lost significant amounts.

  • Sentence Usage 2: Facing bankruptcy was a major earthing for the once-thriving business.

145. A necessary evil

  • Meaning: An unavoidable evil.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Some argue that taxes are a necessary evil for funding essential public services.

  • Sentence Usage 2: In war, strategic bombing was considered a necessary evil to achieve victory.

146. An inedible day's wonder

  • Meaning: An event of passing interest.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The viral internet challenge turned out to be just an inedible day's wonder.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The celebrity's short-lived fashion trend was nothing more than an inedible day's wonder.

147. A packed jury

  • Meaning: A prejudiced jury.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The defense argued that the trial was unfair due to a packed jury.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The controversial case led to accusations of a packed jury, influencing the verdict.

148. A pain in the neck

  • Meaning: An irritating person.

  • Sentence Usage 1: Dealing with that colleague can be a real pain in the neck.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The constant complaints were a pain in the neck for the customer service team.

149. A paper tiger

  • Meaning: A person who appears to be powerful but who is not.

  • Sentence Usage 1: The intimidating opponent turned out to be a paper tiger during the match.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The dictator's threats were dismissed as those of a paper tiger by the international community.

150. A Party line

  • Meaning: A shared telephone line.

  • Sentence Usage 1: In the early days, many households had a party line for making phone calls.

  • Sentence Usage 2: The office had a party line, causing delays in communication among employees.

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