Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 17

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the city of Aurelia, where technology and nature coexisted harmoniously, lived a brilliant inventor named Adrian. His latest creation, the "Harmony Drone," was designed to monitor pollution levels in the city and plant trees in areas that needed environmental restoration.

One day, as Adrian was testing the Harmony Drone in the bustling central square, a sudden malfunction occurred, and the drone went haywire. It started planting trees at an alarming rate, creating an unexpected urban forest that left the citizens both amazed and perplexed. Adrian rushed to control the situation, but the drone seemed to have a mind of its own.

The city officials were torn between the beauty of the urban forest and the potential hazards it might pose to the infrastructure. The citizens, on the other hand, embraced the unexpected greenery, turning the once busy square into a serene oasis. Adrian worked tirelessly to fix the drone, realizing that the delicate balance between technology and nature needed careful consideration.

As the urban forest continued to flourish, a debate sparked within Aurelia. Some believed the Harmony Drone should be dismantled to prevent further disruptions, while others argued that embracing nature's unexpected intervention was essential for the city's well-being. Adrian faced the challenge of finding a solution that would satisfy both the technological and natural aspects of Aurelia's identity.

Ultimately, the city decided to designate certain areas for controlled green spaces, allowing the urban forest to coexist with the cityscape. Adrian, with newfound wisdom, modified the Harmony Drone to work in harmony with the city's plans. The citizens of Aurelia learned a valuable lesson about the importance of adaptability and finding a balance between the artificial and the natural in their evolving urban landscape.

Q1) What was Adrian's latest invention in Aurelia?

A. Pollution monitor

B. Urban forest generator

C. Harmony Drone

D. Infrastructure enhancer

Answer: C. Harmony Drone

Q2) What was the intended purpose of the Harmony Drone?

A. Monitoring traffic

B. Planting trees for environmental restoration

C. Controlling the weather

D. Enhancing city infrastructure

Answer: B. Planting trees for environmental restoration

Q3) What unexpected event occurred during the Harmony Drone's test in the central square?

A. It flew away

B. It started playing music

C. It malfunctioned and planted trees rapidly

D. It created a holographic display

Answer: C. It malfunctioned and planted trees rapidly

Q4) How did the citizens of Aurelia initially react to the unexpected urban forest?

A. They were terrified

B. They were indifferent

C. They embraced it with amazement

D. They demanded its immediate removal

Answer: C. They embraced it with amazement

Q5) What dilemma did the city officials face regarding the urban forest?

A. Whether to build more infrastructure

B. Whether to embrace or dismantle the Harmony Drone

C. Whether to relocate the central square

D. Whether to ban all technological inventions

Answer: B. Whether to embrace or dismantle the Harmony Drone

Q6) What did Adrian realize about the delicate balance between technology and nature?

A. Nature should always take precedence

B. Technology should always take precedence

C. They should work in harmony

D. They should remain completely separate

Answer: C. They should work in harmony

Q7) What decision did the city make regarding the urban forest?

A. Dismantle it completely

B. Embrace it and allow it to flourish

C. Relocate it to a different area

D. Use it as a model for future inventions

Answer: B. Embrace it and allow it to flourish

Q8) How did Adrian modify the Harmony Drone after the city's decision?

A. Enhanced its speed

B. Reduced its functionality

C. Altered it to work in harmony with the city's plans

D. Added more tree-planting features

Answer: C. Altered it to work in harmony with the city's plans

Q9) What lesson did the citizens of Aurelia learn from the unexpected urban forest?

A. The dangers of technology

B. The importance of controlled green spaces

C. The significance of adaptability and balance

D. The need for more technological inventions

Answer: C. The significance of adaptability and balance

Q10) What identity did Aurelia seek in managing the urban forest?

A. Strictly technological

B. Strictly natural

C. A balance between the artificial and the natural

D. Complete removal of all trees

Answer: C. A balance between the artificial and the natural

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