Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 16

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Eldoria, there existed an ancient library hidden deep within the Enchanted Forest. Legend had it that this library held the key to unlocking the secrets of magic and wisdom. Many seekers and scholars had attempted to find it, but only a few were deemed worthy to enter.

The journey to the library was no easy feat. Brave souls had to traverse through the Whispering Willows, cross the Crystal Clear River using the Bridge of Reflection, and solve the riddles posed by the Guardian Owls at the Gates of Knowledge. Only those with pure hearts and sharp minds could pass these challenges.

One day, a young adventurer named Elara set forth on a quest to find the legendary library. Armed with her trusty map and a pendant passed down from her grandmother, she ventured into the Enchanted Forest. The trees whispered ancient tales, guiding her toward the hidden path.

As Elara approached the Bridge of Reflection, she saw her own reflection shimmering in the magical waters below. The bridge revealed the true nature of those who crossed it. With a determined heart, Elara crossed the bridge, and the water beneath her sparkled in approval.

Finally reaching the Gates of Knowledge, Elara faced the Guardian Owls. The wise creatures posed a riddle: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" Elara pondered, realizing the answer was an echo. The gates swung open, granting her passage to the sacred library.

Inside, the library was a vast chamber filled with shelves adorned with ancient scrolls and glowing orbs of knowledge. Elara felt the weight of centuries of wisdom surrounding her. She approached the Librarian, a mystical figure with a flowing cloak, who welcomed her with a warm smile.

The Librarian explained, "To access the knowledge within these walls, one must seek answers with both the mind and heart. The books here respond to the sincerity of your questions." Elara spent days immersed in the magical tomes, uncovering forgotten spells, unraveling mysteries, and understanding the balance of magic in Eldoria.

As Elara emerged from the library, her mind filled with newfound wisdom, she realized that the true magic was not just in the ancient scrolls but in the journey of seeking knowledge. With a grateful heart, she left the Enchanted Forest, knowing that she would forever carry the enchantment of Eldoria within her.

Q1) Where is the ancient library located in Eldoria?

A. On top of a mountain

B. In the Enchanted Forest

C. Underneath Crystal Clear River

D. Within the Whispering Willows

Answer: B. In the Enchanted Forest

Q2) What did Elara use to cross the Crystal Clear River?

A. A boat

B. The Bridge of Reflection

C. A magical carpet

D. A hidden path

Answer: B. The Bridge of Reflection

Q3) What revealed the true nature of those who crossed the Bridge of Reflection?

A. Guardian Owls

B. Shimmering water

C. Magical pendant

D. Ancient scrolls

Answer: B. Shimmering water

Q4) What was the riddle posed by the Guardian Owls?

A. A key without a lock

B. A river without water

C. An echo

D. A talking tree

Answer: C. An echo

Q5) What did Elara's pendant help her with during the quest?

A. Lighting the path

B. Solving riddles

C. Finding the Guardian Owls

D. Crossing the Bridge of Reflection

Answer: D. Crossing the Bridge of Reflection

Q6) What was required to access the knowledge within the library?

A. A magical pendant

B. Solving riddles

C. Both mind and heart

D. Approval from the Librarian

Answer: C. Both mind and heart

Q7) What did Elara find in the library?

A. Only ancient scrolls

B. Forgotten spells, mysteries, and the balance of magic

C. Only glowing orbs

D. Ordinary books

Answer: B. Forgotten spells, mysteries, and the balance of magic

Q8) What was the riddle's answer that Elara provided to the Guardian Owls?

A. A key without a lock

B. A river without water

C. An echo

D. A talking tree

Answer: C. An echo

Q9) What was the significance of the Librarian's cloak?

A. It had magical powers

B. It granted access to the library

C. It welcomed Elara with a warm smile

D. It held ancient secrets

Answer: C. It welcomed Elara with a warm smile

Q10) How did Elara feel as she left the Enchanted Forest?

A. Disappointed

B. Relieved

C. Enchanted

D. Indifferent

Answer: C. Enchanted

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