Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 18

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, hidden from the bustling world, lies an extraordinary phenomenon – the singing plants. Discovered by a team of botanists, these unique flora emit melodic sounds, creating an enchanting symphony amidst the dense foliage. The scientific community is abuzz with excitement as researchers delve into the mystery of these musical plants.

The singing plants, scientifically known as Harmonia Sonora, are characterized by their vibrant colors and unusual leaf structures. When the gentle breeze rustles through the rainforest, the leaves of Harmonia Sonora produce harmonious tones that resonate through the air. Each plant has its distinct melody, creating a natural orchestra that has captivated those fortunate enough to witness this botanical spectacle.

Scientists speculate that the musical ability of Harmonia Sonora is linked to a unique adaptation for communication and survival. The intricate melodies may serve as signals to attract pollinators or warn neighboring plants of potential threats. Researchers are keen on understanding the underlying mechanisms of this botanical symphony and its ecological significance.

Explorers and environmentalists are working together to ensure the conservation of the singing plants and their delicate ecosystem. The discovery of Harmonia Sonora has opened new avenues for research, conservation, and a deeper appreciation for the wonders that nature conceals within its lush greenery.

Q1) What is the scientific name of the singing plants in the Amazon rainforest?

A. Melodia Flora

B. Harmonia Sonora

C. Amazona Serenata

D. Botanica Harmonica

Answer: B. Harmonia Sonora

Q2) What phenomenon characterizes the singing plants in the Amazon rainforest?

A. Bioluminescence

B. Melodic sounds

C. Aromatic fragrance

D. Rapid growth

Answer: B. Melodic sounds

Q3) What is the possible purpose of the melodies produced by Harmonia Sonora?

A. Entertainment for nearby animals

B. Attraction of pollinators

C. Warning signals to humans

D. Decoration for the rainforest

Answer: B. Attraction of pollinators

Q4) What do scientists speculate about the musical ability of Harmonia Sonora?

A. It is a byproduct of genetic mutation

B. It is purely for human enjoyment

C. It is linked to adaptation for communication and survival

D. It is a form of communication with extraterrestrial beings

Answer: C. It is linked to adaptation for communication and survival

Q5) What has the discovery of Harmonia Sonora opened new avenues for?

A. Musical concerts in the rainforest

B. Botanical fashion trends

C. Research, conservation, and appreciation for nature

D. Eco-tourism in the Amazon

Answer: C. Research, conservation, and appreciation for nature

Q6) How do the leaves of Harmonia Sonora produce sounds?

A. By vibrating in the wind

B. By emitting ultrasonic waves

C. By releasing aromatic compounds

D. By attracting nearby animals

Answer: A. By vibrating in the wind

Q7) What is the primary color of Harmonia Sonora?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Green

D. Vibrant

Answer: C. Green

Q8) What role do explorers and environmentalists play regarding Harmonia Sonora?

A. They aim to exploit its resources

B. They work together for its conservation

C. They avoid the rainforest to protect the plants

D. They try to eradicate Harmonia Sonora for safety reasons

Answer: B. They work together for its conservation

Q9) How do scientists describe the melodies of Harmonia Sonora?

A. Dissonant and chaotic

B. Predictable and repetitive

C. Vibrant and harmonious

D. Silent and mysterious

Answer: C. Vibrant and harmonious

Q10) What is the primary goal of researchers studying Harmonia Sonora?

A. Exploitation for commercial purposes

B. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of the botanical symphony

C. Creating artificial melodies in labs

D. Ignoring the phenomenon due to lack of significance

Answer: B. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of the botanical symphony

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