Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 17

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

The ancient city of Atlantis has been a topic of fascination and mystery for centuries. According to the ancient philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and technologically advanced civilization that existed around 9,000 years before his time. The city was said to be located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," believed by many to be the Strait of Gibraltar.

Plato described Atlantis as a utopian society with impressive architecture, advanced knowledge, and a powerful military. The Atlanteans were said to have control over a vast empire, ruling over several other nations. However, their prosperity led to arrogance, and they eventually waged war against neighboring civilizations.

According to Plato's account, the gods punished the Atlanteans for their hubris. In a single day and night of catastrophic events, Atlantis supposedly sank into the depths of the ocean, disappearing without a trace. Many theories and speculations surround the location and existence of Atlantis, with some considering it a cautionary tale of the consequences of pride and power.

Q1) According to Plato, where was Atlantis believed to be located?

A. Mediterranean Sea

B. Indian Ocean

C. Strait of Gibraltar

D. Pacific Ocean

Answer: C. Strait of Gibraltar

Q2) How many years before Plato's time did Atlantis supposedly exist?

A. 5,000 years

B. 9,000 years

C. 12,000 years

D. 15,000 years

Answer: B. 9,000 years

Q3) What led to the downfall of Atlantis according to Plato?

A. Natural disasters

B. Internal conflicts

C. War with neighboring civilizations

D. Economic collapse

Answer: C. War with neighboring civilizations

Q4) How did Plato describe the society of Atlantis?

A. Isolated and secretive

B. Utopian with advanced knowledge

C. Technologically primitive

D. Nomadic and exploratory

Answer: B. Utopian with advanced knowledge

Q5) What was the consequence of Atlantis's prosperity according to Plato?

A. Enslavement of other nations

B. Arrogance and war

C. Peaceful coexistence

D. Diplomatic alliances

Answer: B. Arrogance and war

Q6) What did Plato claim happened to Atlantis in a single day and night?

A. It vanished mysteriously

B. It was invaded by a powerful enemy

C. It experienced economic collapse

D. It sank into the ocean

Answer: D. It sank into the ocean

Q7) What is the Strait of Gibraltar often referred to as?

A. Pillars of Hercules

B. Gate of Atlantis

C. Atlantis Pass

D. Oceanic Gateway

Answer: A. Pillars of Hercules

Q8) What is the prevailing status of Atlantis according to the passage?

A. It remains a thriving civilization

B. It is lost and submerged in the ocean

C. It has been rediscovered by archaeologists

D. It is a modern city with advanced technology

Answer: B. It is lost and submerged in the ocean

Q9) What punishment did the gods inflict on Atlantis?

A. Destruction by natural disasters

B. Submersion into the ocean

C. Economic collapse

D. Enslavement by neighboring civilizations

Answer: A. Destruction by natural disasters

Q10) What is the passage's main message about Atlantis?

A. It is a purely fictional tale

B. It serves as a warning against arrogance and power

C. It is a historical account with factual evidence

D. It showcases the achievements of ancient civilizations

Answer: B. It serves as a warning against arrogance and power

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