Unseen Passage for Class 5 - Passage 20

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Every year, Greenfield Elementary School organizes a grand annual function, showcasing the diverse talents of its students. Emma, a fifth-grade student, eagerly awaited this special event. The school's auditorium buzzed with excitement as students, teachers, and parents gathered to celebrate a night filled with performances and achievements.

The annual function featured a variety of performances, from musical acts and dance routines to theatrical skits and poetry recitations. Each class had been preparing for weeks, and the enthusiasm was palpable. Emma's class, in particular, was putting on a play that they had written collectively. The theme revolved around friendship, teamwork, and the importance of kindness.

The night began with a spectacular display of talent. The school band set the stage with an energetic performance, followed by solo singers, dance troupes, and even a magic show. Emma marveled at the creativity and dedication of her fellow students.

As the spotlight turned to Emma's class, anticipation filled the air. The curtains drew open, revealing a beautifully decorated stage. The play unfolded seamlessly, with each student delivering their lines flawlessly. The audience laughed, applauded, and even shed a few tears during the emotional scenes.

After the play, awards were presented to students who excelled in academics, sports, and various extracurricular activities. Emma felt a sense of pride as her classmates received recognition for their achievements. The night concluded with a lively dance party, where students, teachers, and parents joined in the celebration.

Emma went home that night with memories of a magical evening. The annual function not only showcased the talents of the students but also fostered a sense of community and camaraderie within the school.

Q1) What is the topic of the passage?

A. Emma's daily routine

B. A visit to Greenfield Elementary School

C. The annual function at Greenfield Elementary School

D. The history of Emma's school

Answer: C. The annual function at Greenfield Elementary School

Q2) What is Emma's grade level?

A. Third grade

B. Fourth grade

C. Fifth grade

D. Sixth grade

Answer: C. Fifth grade

Q3) What was Emma's class preparing for the annual function?

A. A dance routine

B. A magic show

C. A play

D. A poetry recitation

Answer: C. A play

Q4) What was the theme of Emma's class play?

A. Adventure and exploration

B. Friendship, teamwork, and kindness

C. Mystery and suspense

D. Historical events

Answer: B. Friendship, teamwork, and kindness

Q5) What did the school band do at the beginning of the annual function?

A. Recite poetry

B. Perform a magic show

C. Play music

D. Dance

Answer: C. Play music

Q6) What emotion did the audience experience during Emma's class play?

A. Fear

B. Sadness

C. Laughter and applause

D. Confusion

Answer: C. Laughter and applause

Q7) What was presented to students during the annual function?

A. Certificates for perfect attendance

B. Awards for academic excellence, sports, and extracurricular activities

C. Participation medals

D. Trophies for the best-dressed students

Answer: B. Awards for academic excellence, sports, and extracurricular activities

Q8) How did the night conclude?

A. With a poetry recitation

B. With a quiet reading session

C. With a lively dance party

D. With a magic show

Answer: C. With a lively dance party

Q9) What was the atmosphere like during the dance party?

A. Quiet and somber

B. Boring and uneventful

C. Lively and celebratory

D. Tense and serious

Answer: C. Lively and celebratory

Q10) How did Emma feel about the annual function?

A. Indifferent

B. Annoyed

C. Proud and enchanted

D. Bored and disappointed

Answer: C. Proud and enchanted

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