Unseen Passage for Class 5 - Passage 14

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Emily, a fifth-grade student, found herself struggling in gym class. While her classmates effortlessly ran, jumped, and played sports, Emily lagged behind. She often felt self-conscious about her lack of athletic abilities and worried about what her peers thought of her.

During running drills, Emily struggled to keep up with the rest of the class. She would get easily winded and had to take breaks more frequently than others. When it came to team sports, she often felt like a liability, afraid of letting her team down. Despite her best efforts, Emily couldn't match the athleticism of her classmates.

One day, the gym teacher noticed Emily's struggles and decided to have a one-on-one conversation with her. Mrs. Rodriguez, the gym teacher, encouraged Emily to embrace her unique strengths and reminded her that everyone has different abilities. She suggested alternative exercises and activities that could cater to Emily's pace while still promoting physical fitness.

Emily started working on exercises that focused on building stamina gradually. Mrs. Rodriguez also paired her with a supportive buddy during team sports to boost her confidence. Over time, Emily's attitude towards gym class transformed. She began to see improvement in her abilities and gained more self-assurance.

The turning point came during the annual school sports day. Emily participated with enthusiasm, surprising herself and her classmates. While she may not have been the fastest or the most agile, her determination and progress were evident. Her classmates cheered her on, recognizing the effort she had put in to overcome her challenges.

Emily's journey taught her that everyone progresses at their own pace, and it's essential to focus on personal improvement rather than constant comparison. With newfound confidence, Emily continued to participate actively in gym class, proving that determination and a positive mindset can make a significant difference.

Q1) What grade is Emily in?

A. Fourth grade

B. Fifth grade

C. Sixth grade

D. Third grade

Answer: B. Fifth grade

Q2) What physical activities did Emily struggle with in gym class?

A. Running

B. Jumping

C. Team sports

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Q3) How did Emily feel about her performance in gym class?

A. Confident

B. Anxious and self-conscious

C. Indifferent

D. Proud

Answer: B. Anxious and self-conscious

Q4) How did the gym teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, help Emily?

A. By ignoring her struggles

B. By suggesting alternative exercises

C. By criticizing her

D. By excluding her from activities

Answer: B. By suggesting alternative exercises

Q5) What did Mrs. Rodriguez suggest for Emily during team sports?

A. Exclude her from the team

B. Pair her with a supportive buddy

C. Make her the team captain

D. Bench her for the entire game

Answer: B. Pair her with a supportive buddy

Q6) What changed Emily's attitude towards gym class?

A. She became the fastest in the class

B. She started avoiding gym class

C. Mrs. Rodriguez paired her with the fastest students

D. Mrs. Rodriguez's encouragement and alternative exercises

Answer: D. Mrs. Rodriguez's encouragement and alternative exercises

Q7) What event showcased Emily's progress in gym class?

A. Weekly drills

B. Annual school sports day

C. Field trip

D. Physical fitness test

Answer: B. Annual school sports day

Q8) How did Emily's classmates react during the sports day?

A. They laughed at her

B. They ignored her

C. They cheered her on

D. They criticized her

Answer: C. They cheered her on

Q9) What did Emily learn from her experience in gym class?

A. Everyone has the same abilities

B. It's essential to constantly compare oneself to others

C. Focus on personal improvement and embrace unique strengths

D. Gym class is not important

Answer: C. Focus on personal improvement and embrace unique strengths

Q10) How did Emily feel after participating actively in gym class?

A. Regretful

B. Anxious

C. Proud and more confident

D. Indifferent

Answer: C. Proud and more confident

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