IGKO Class 5 - Sample question paper 04

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Q26) What is the process by which green plants make their own food using sunlight?

a) respiration

b) digestion

c) germination

d) photosynthesis

Answer: d) photosynthesis

Explanation: Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose (food) and oxygen, using sunlight and chlorophyll present in their cells.

Q27) Which organ in the human body is responsible for filtering and removing waste products from the blood?

a) liver

b) kidney

c) pancreas

d) heart

Answer: b) kidney

Explanation: The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering blood and removing waste products and excess water from the body to form urine.

Q28) Which of these animals lays eggs?

a) kangaroo

b) dolphin

c) platypus

d) lion

Answer: c) platypus

Explanation: The platypus is a unique mammal that lays eggs, making it one of the few egg-laying mammals known as monotremes.

Q29) How many chambers are there in the heart of a human?

a) two

b) three

c) four

d) five

Answer: c) four

Explanation: The human heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles, which work together to pump blood throughout the body.

Q30) Which gas do plants primarily absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

a) oxygen

b) carbon dioxide

c) nitrogen

d) hydrogen

Answer: b) carbon dioxide

Explanation: During photosynthesis, plants primarily absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into glucose and oxygen using sunlight.

Q31) What is the largest animal on Earth?

a) blue whale

b) African elephant

c) giraffe

d) polar bear

Answer: a) blue whale

Explanation: The blue whale is the largest animal to have ever existed on Earth, reaching lengths of up to 100 feet and weighing as much as 200 tons.

Q32) What is the green pigment found in plants that captures sunlight for photosynthesis?

a) hemoglobin

b) chlorophyll

c) melanin

d) keratin

Answer: b) chlorophyll

Explanation: Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plant cells that plays a crucial role in photosynthesis by capturing sunlight and converting it into chemical energy.

Q33) Which of these animals is known for its unique ability to change its color to match its surroundings?

a) chameleon

b) octopus

c) peacock

d) panda

Answer: a) chameleon

Explanation: Chameleons are known for their remarkable ability to change the color of their skin to blend in with their environment, providing camouflage and protection from predators.

Q34) Which group of animals does a penguin belong to?

a) birds

b) mammals

c) reptiles

d) amphibians

Answer: a) birds

Explanation: Penguins are flightless birds that are adapted to life in aquatic environments and are known for their unique swimming abilities.

Q35) What is the process by which animals break down food to release energy?

a) circulation

b) excretion

c) digestion

d) locomotion

Answer: c) digestion

Explanation: Digestion is the process by which animals break down food into smaller nutrients that can be absorbed and used to release energy for various bodily functions.

Q36) In which region are rubber plants mainly found?

a) Plains

b) Colder

c) Rain forests

d) Coastal

Answer: c) Rain forests

Explanation: Rubber plants are mainly found in the rainforest regions where the climate is warm and humid, providing suitable conditions for their growth.

Q37) The trees of some regions grow tall and close to each other to protect from ____.

a) snow

b) heat and wind

c) cold and wind

d) rains

Answer: b) heat and wind

Explanation: In hot and windy regions, trees grow tall and close to each other to provide shade and reduce the impact of heat and strong winds.

Q38) ______ trees are commonly big in size with a large canopy.

a) Rubber

b) Gulmohar

c) Fir

d) Oak

Answer: b) Gulmohar

Explanation: Gulmohar trees are commonly big in size with a large canopy, providing shade and adding beauty to the surroundings.

Q39) What helps birds like eagles and hawks in spotting their prey?

a) Sharp smelling power

b) Good hearing

c) Sharp eyesight

d) Loud voice

Answer: c) Sharp eyesight

Explanation: Birds like eagles and hawks have excellent eyesight, allowing them to spot their prey from high altitudes and long distances.

Q40) Echolocation is also known as ______.

a) Chemsonar

b) Physonar

c) Zoosonar

d) Biosonar

Answer: d) Biosonar

Explanation: Echolocation used by animals like bats is also known as biosonar, as they emit sound waves and use the echoes to navigate and locate objects in their surroundings.

Q41) The combined size of Earth's inner and outer cores is similar to that of which celestial body?

a) Mars

b) Mercury

c) Uranus

d) Pluto

Answer: c) Uranus

Explanation: The total size of Earth's inner and outer cores is approximately equal to the size of the planet Uranus, one of the ice giant planets in our solar system.

Q42) The solar system consists of what?

a) Natural satellites

b) Artificial satellites

c) Communication satellites

d) Geostationary satellites

Answer: a) Natural satellites

Explanation: The solar system contains various celestial bodies, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and natural satellites, also known as moons, that orbit around planets.

Q43) Mars is often referred to as the Red Planet because of the presence of which element?

a) Oxygen

b) Carbon dioxide

c) Iron oxides

Answer: c) Iron oxides

Explanation: The reddish appearance of Mars is due to the abundance of iron oxide or rust on its surface, which gives it the nickname "Red Planet."

Q44) In which year did NASA generate electricity using a satellite?

a) 1955

b) 1978

c) 1990

d) 1996

Answer: b) 1978

Explanation: NASA successfully generated electricity using a satellite in the year 1978, showcasing advancements in space technology and its practical applications.

Q45) The Earth's inner core is about the same temperature as the ___________.

a) Moon

b) Sun

c) Jupiter

d) Mars

Answer: b) Sun

Explanation: The temperature of Earth's inner core is believed to be approximately equal to the temperature at the surface of the Sun, despite being in a solid state due to extreme pressure.

Q46) The other name of the four outer planets of our Earth is ___________.

a) Terrestrial planets

b) Jovian planets

c) Satellite planets

d) None of these

Answer: b) Jovian planets

Explanation: The four outer planets of our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are also commonly known as the Jovian planets due to their resemblance to Jupiter.

Q47) _______ is the second largest planet of our solar system.

a) Mars

b) Jupiter

c) Saturn

d) Uranus

Answer: c) Saturn

Explanation: Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, after Jupiter. It is known for its spectacular ring system, which makes it one of the most visually striking planets.

Q48) Earth’s inner and outer cores combined are about the same size as ___________.

a) Mars

b) Mercury

c) Uranus

d) Pluto

Answer: b) Mercury

Explanation: The combined size of Earth's inner and outer cores is approximately equal to the size of the planet Mercury, which is the smallest planet in our solar system.

Q49) What is the ratio between orbits of Eris and Pluto?

a) 1:2

b) 1:3

c) 2:1

d) 3:1

Answer: b) 1:3

Explanation: The ratio between the orbits of Eris and Pluto is 1:3, indicating that Eris takes approximately three times longer to complete one orbit around the Sun compared to Pluto.

Q50) Which planet is made up of shattered fragments of its inner satellites?

a) Mars

b) Jupiter

c) Uranus

d) Neptune

Answer: d) Neptune

Explanation: Neptune is made up of shattered fragments of its inner satellites due to the gravitational interactions and collisions among these moons over the course of its history.

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