Class 5 G.K Questions - Plants and Animals

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Welcome to our collection of Class 5 G.K Olympiad previous year questions on the Plants and Animals chapter. Our collection features actual questions from previous years' G.K Olympiads like IGKO, SKGKO addn GOTAK - G.K, giving you the opportunity to practice with real questions and get a sense of what to expect in the actual exam.


The Plants and Animals chapter is an important topic in the Class 5 G.K Olympiad, and our collection of previous year questions covers a range of topics within this subject area, including plant and animal cells, classification, habitats, and adaptations. By practicing these questions, you can improve your chances of getting a top rank in the G.K Olympiad.

Whether you are preparing for the IGKO or SKGKO, or any other prominent G.K Olympiad, our collection of previous year questions on Plants and Animals for Class 5 students is an invaluable resource to help you prepare effectively. So start practicing today and take the first step towards achieving #1 international rank. 

Class 5 IGKO - Previous year questions - Plants and animals

Q) Which of the following trees are commonly big in size with large canopy?

a) Rubber

b) Gulmohar

c) Fir

d) Oak

Answer: d) Oak

Explanation: Oak trees are commonly big in size with large canopy.

Q) Which of these fibers are NOT obtained from plants?

a) Flax

b) Silk

c) Lenin

d) Hemp

Answer: b) Silk

Explanation: Silk is obtained from the cocoons of silkworms, which are not plants.

Q) What helps the birds like eagles and hawks in spotting their prey?

a) Sharp smelling power

b) Good hearing

c) Sharp eyesight

d) Loud voice

Answer: c) Sharp eyesight

Explanation: Eagles and hawks have excellent vision that helps them in spotting their prey from high altitudes.

Q) ___________ flick their tongues.

a) Reptiles

b) Amphibians

c) Aquatic

d) Mammals

Answer: a) Reptiles

Explanation: Reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, flick their tongues to collect scent particles and transfer them to their Jacobson's organ to detect prey.

Q) Echolocation is also known as ______

a) Chemsonar

b) Physonar

c) Zoosonar

d) Biosonar

Answer: d) Biosonar

Explanation: Echolocation is the use of sound waves and their echoes to locate objects, and it is commonly used by bats, whales, and dolphins. It is also known as biosonar.

Q) I am a bird and my eye is bigger than my brain. Who am I?

a) Owl

b) Ostrich

c) Emu

d) Kiwi

Answer: a) Owl

Explanation: Owls have large eyes that are fixed in their sockets, and they cannot move their eyes like humans can. However, their eyes are so large that they can see in very low light conditions, and they have excellent night vision. Their eyes are also larger than their brains!

Which of the following animals cannot jump?

a) Tiger

b) Hippopotamus

c) Rhinoceros

d) Elephant

Answer: d) Elephant

Explanation: Unlike most mammals, the bones in elephant legs are all pointed downwards, which means they don't have the "spring" required to push off the ground and jump.

Q) Bryophyllum is a species of plant that reproduce through ______.

a) Leaf buds

b) Eyes

c) Rhizome

d) Bulbil

Answer: a) Leaf buds

Explanation: Bryophyllum is a succulent plant that is native to Madagascar, but has been widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in other parts of the world. It is unique because it can reproduce asexually through vegetative reproduction, specifically through the formation of small plantlets on the margins of its leaves, called "leaf buds". These plantlets can fall off the parent plant and grow into new individuals.

Q) In which region the rubber plant is mainly found?

a) Plains

b) Colder

c) Rain forests

d) Coastal

Answer: c) Rain forests

Explanation: The rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis) is a tree that is native to the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, but has been widely cultivated in other tropical regions around the world for its latex, which is used to make rubber. The tree requires a hot and humid climate with abundant rainfall, which is why it is mainly found in rainforest regions.

Q) The trees of some region grow tall and close to each other to protect from _____.

a) snow

b) heat and wind

c) cold and wind

d) rains

Answer: b) heat and wind

Explanation: Trees in some regions, such as in deserts or semi-arid areas, may grow tall and close together to protect each other from the harsh heat and wind conditions. This can create a microclimate underneath the trees that is cooler and less windy, which can be more hospitable to other plants and animals.

Q) Which of these is the larva of a housefly?

a) Maggot

b) Caterpillar

c) Larva

d) None of these

Answer: a) Maggot

Explanation: The larva of a housefly is commonly known as a maggot.

Q) Few organisms lay eggs, few organisms give birth to the young ones. Which type of organisms gives birth to the young ones?

a) Reptiles

b) Mammals

c) Amphibians

d) None of these

Answer: b) Mammals

Explanation: Mammals give birth to their young ones instead of laying eggs.

Q) Roots have small thread-like structures called ______.

a) Root hair

b) Root cap

c) Tap root

d) Fibrous root

Answer: a) Root hair

Explanation: The small thread-like structures on the surface of the roots are called root hairs.

Q) The plants that grow in which of the following regions have adaptation for roots to go deep inside the soil?

a) Coastal regions

b) Polar regions

c) Desert regions

d) Plains

Answer: c) Desert regions

Explanation: Desert plants have long roots to reach deep underground water sources.

Q) Ghee is a type of clarified butter which is originated in ancient India and commonly used in cooking. It is obtained from:

a) Buttermilk

b) Curd

c) Cream

d) None of these

Answer: C) Curd

Explanation:Cream is boiled to extract ghee from it

Q) Amphibians are also referred to as ___________.

a) warm blooded animals

b) cold blooded animals

c) hot blooded animals

d) chilled blooded animals

Answer: b) cold blooded animals

Explanation: Amphibians are cold-blooded animals, meaning their body temperature changes with their environment.

Q) Which of the following is NOT an example of adaptations in plants or animals? [2019]

a) Migration

b) Aestivation

c) Hibernation

d) Transpiration

Answer: d) Transpiration

Explanation: Transpiration is not an adaptation, but rather a natural process by which plants lose water through their leaves.

Q) Food is stored in the roots of

a) Potato

b) Sweet potato

c) Onion

d) ginger

Answer: b) Sweet potato

Explanation: Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that store food in their roots, which are enlarged and swollen with starch.

Q) Rubber, gum, resins are obtained from

a) Animals

b) Insects

c) Trees

d) None of these

Answer: c) Trees

Explanation: Rubber, gum, and resins are all obtained from trees, either from the bark or from cuts made in the trunk or branches.

Q) Plants with leaves that have large air pockets, are found in ______.

a) temperate forests

b) grasslands

c) aquatic plants

d) tropical rain forests

Answer: c) aquatic plants

Explanation: Aquatic plants have leaves with large air pockets that allow them to float on water and exchange gases with the atmosphere.

1. Plants are the ____________ producers of energy.

a) secondary

b) primary

c) both a and b

d) none of these

Answer: b) primary

Explanation: Plants are primary producers of energy as they are able to convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis.

2. The leaves of _________ plant are used to weave mats, hats and baskets.

a) Peepal

b) Neem

c) Palm

d) Henna

Answer: c) Palm

Explanation: The leaves of the Palm plant are used to weave mats, hats, and baskets due to their large size and strength.

3. Some animals like owl, cats and dogs have a sharp _______ sense.

a) Smelling

b) Sighting

c) Feeling

d) Hearing

Answer: d) Hearing

Explanation: Some animals like owls, cats, and dogs have a sharp sense of hearing, which helps them to locate prey or predators and navigate their environment.

4. Which body part helps to protect the animals living in mountainous region from severe cold?

a) Fat limbs

b) White skin

c) Thick fur

d) Thin structure

Answer: c) Thick fur

Explanation: Thick fur helps animals living in mountainous regions to protect themselves from severe cold by providing insulation and retaining body heat.

5. Which animal has thick eyelids that help the animal to prevent itself from dust to enter the eye?

a) Camel

b) Goat

c) Horse

d) None of these

Answer: a) Camel

Explanation: Camels have thick eyelids that help them to prevent dust from entering their eyes in the harsh desert environment where they live.

1. Which part of the plant form seeds which in turn grow into plant again?

a) Stem

b) Root

c) Leaf

d) Flower

Answer: b) Root

Explanation: The roots of a plant absorb water and nutrients from the soil and also anchor the plant. They also produce seeds, which can grow into new plants.

2. Germination is the process in which a seed grows into ________ under favourable conditions.

a) Plant

b) Sapling

c) Seedling

d) Bud

Answer: a) Plant

Explanation: Germination is the process in which a seed sprouts and begins to grow into a new plant under favorable conditions such as adequate moisture, warmth, and oxygen.

3. Which characteristic enables an organism to survive in its natural surroundings?

a) Germination

b) Adaptation

c) Pollination

d) Reproduction

Answer: b) Adaptation

Explanation: Adaptation is the process by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment in order to survive and reproduce.

4. Plants of this area are characterized with many branches to survive in hot climate. Which area is referred here?

a) Plains

b) Hills

c) Rainforests

d) None of these

Answer: b) Hills

Explanation: Plants in hot and dry regions, such as hills and deserts, often have adaptations such as many branches and thorns to reduce water loss and protect them from heat and wind.

5. What type of roots are developed by salt tolerant mangrove plants for absorbing oxygen from atmosphere?

a) Underground

b) Aerial

c) Tap

d) Fibrous

Answer: b) Aerial

Explanation: Salt-tolerant mangrove plants develop aerial roots that stick out of the mud and into the air, allowing them to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere and survive in waterlogged, saline soil.

1. Which type of nutrition is found in molds and mushrooms?

a) Saprophytic

b) Parasitic

c) Autotrophic

d) None of these

Answer: a) Saprophytic

Explanation: Molds and mushrooms obtain their nutrition by decomposing dead and decaying organic matter, which is known as saprophytic nutrition.

2. Through which parts of the parent plant does reproduction in plants take place?

a) Seeds

b) Spores

c) Other parts

d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Explanation: Reproduction in plants can take place through seeds, spores, and other parts of the parent plant such as bulbs, runners, and rhizomes.

3. What type of plant gets its nutrition from dead or decaying organic matter?

a) Parasitic

b) Saprophytic

c) Symbiotic

d) Insectivorous

Answer: b) Saprophytic

Explanation: Plants that obtain their nutrition by decomposing dead and decaying organic matter are called saprophytic plants.

4. What type of plant devours insects, protozoa, rats, and lizards?

a) Insectivorous

b) Symbiotic

c) Parasitic

d) Saprophytic

Answer: a) Insectivorous

Explanation: Plants that obtain their nutrition by capturing and digesting insects and other small animals are called insectivorous plants.

5. What do we call organisms possessing the ability to produce their own food?

a) Heterotrophs

b) Homotrophs

c) Autotrophs

d) Phototrophs

Answer: c) Autotrophs

Explanation: Organisms that have the ability to produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are called autotrophs.

1. Which of the following is an autotroph?

a) Rhinoceros

b) Mushroom

c) Banyan tree

d) All of these

Answer: c) Banyan tree

Explanation: An autotroph is an organism that is able to produce its own food using inorganic materials such as carbon dioxide and water. Banyan trees, like other plants, are autotrophs, while rhinoceroses and mushrooms are heterotrophs, which rely on other organisms for their food.

2. I can fly very high in the sky and grab my prey in a jiffy. Which of my senses is the strongest?

a) Smell

b) Sight

c) Taste

d) None of these

Answer: b) Sight

Explanation: The sense of sight is the strongest for birds of prey such as eagles, hawks, and falcons, which are known for their sharp vision and ability to detect prey from great distances.

3. Which of the following is not a reason for plant adaptation? [2015]

a) Lack of water

b) Nutrient deficiency

c) Protection

d) None of these

Answer: d) None of these

Explanation: All plants have adaptations, which are features or characteristics that have evolved over time to help them survive and reproduce in their environment. These adaptations may be related to water, nutrients, protection, reproduction, or other factors.

4. When plants and animals are divided into various groups, it is done on the basis of their different characteristics. This process is called _________.

a) Grouping

b) Classification

c) Simplification

d) Sorting

Answer: b) Classification

Explanation: Classification is the process of grouping organisms into categories or taxa based on their shared characteristics. This helps us understand the diversity of life and the relationships between different organisms.

1. Which of the following makes bread fluffy?

a) Virus

b) Fungi

c) Protozoa

d) None of these

Answer: b) Fungi

Explanation: Fungi helps in making bread fluffy by producing carbon dioxide which gets trapped in the dough, causing it to rise.

2. Which of the following helps in converting milk into curd?

a) Viruses

b) Fungi

c) Bacteria

d) Protozoa

Answer: c) Bacteria

Explanation: Bacteria, specifically lactic acid bacteria, help in converting milk into curd by fermenting lactose, the main sugar in milk, into lactic acid.

3. I have no leaves; just a green stem. I can grow in places with scanty water. There are thorns on me. What part of my body has been modified as thorns?

a) Leaves

b) Stem

c) Branches

d) None of these

Answer: b) Stem

Explanation: The thorns in this plant are modified from the stem, which helps the plant deter herbivores and protect it from being eaten.

4. The sloping shape of these trees protects it from snowfall. What do we call them?

a) Deciduous

b) Evergreens

c) Conifers

d) Mangroves

Answer: c) Conifers

Explanation: Conifers are trees that have needle-like leaves and produce cones. Their sloping shape helps them shed snow more easily, preventing the weight of the snow from breaking their branches.

5. Some breathe through lungs, some breathe through skin, and we breathe through tiny holes in the body. What are these tiny holes called?

a) Gills

b) Holes

c) Spiracles

d) Heart

Answer: c) Spiracles

Explanation: Spiracles are small openings on the body of insects and some other terrestrial arthropods that are used for breathing. These tiny holes allow air to enter the body and diffuse oxygen directly into the tissues.

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