Unseen Passage for Class 4 - Passage 20

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

"Remember to come out of class immediately at 1 p.m. today, Julia. Your appointment with Dr Soon is at 2 p.m. sharp. So I will have to take you to the dentist very promptly after school," called out Mother just as I was running out to board the school bus for school. Oh! I had forgotten all about my dreaded visit to the dentist. The last time I was there, he had given me a long lecture about how I should eat fewer sweets and how I should floss and brush my teeth at least twice a day. This, of course, took place after he had pulled one tooth out and filled two cavities, experiences I really would not want to repeat. Only now was I regretting my decision not to heed his advice.

Alas! My pangs of remorse were too late. Dr Soon clucked disapprovingly. This only caused me to grow more and more alarmed. That meant another painful experience for me. If only I had listened!

The roar of his equipment was deafening. I was tense, waiting for the pain to start. Suddenly, he stopped poking at my teeth. The whirs of his equipment quietened. "Okay, Julia, we're done," Dr Soon said. "Your teeth seem fine as a whole, so I only did some simple polishing for you. But there are beginnings of plaque growing. You had better take good care of your teeth," he continued.

That was all? Hey! Maybe Dr Soon was not such a horrible person after all. Hopefully, my next visit will be uneventful as today's.

Q1) What did Julia forget about?

A. School bus

B. Appointment with Dr Soon

C. Class at 1 p.m.

D. Dreaded visit to the dentist

Answer: B. Appointment with Dr Soon

Q2) What advice did the dentist give Julia during her last visit?

A. Eat more sweets

B. Floss and brush less frequently

C. Eat fewer sweets and maintain dental hygiene

D. Ignore dental care completely

Answer: C. Eat fewer sweets and maintain dental hygiene

Q3) Why was Julia regretting her decision?

A. She forgot her school bus

B. She ignored her mother's advice

C. She didn't heed the dentist's advice

D. She missed her appointment with Dr Soon

Answer: C. She didn't heed the dentist's advice

Q4) What treatment did the dentist give Julia at her first dental visit?

A. He had pulled one tooth out and filled two cavities

B. Cavity filling

C. Lecturing on oral hygiene

D. Simple polishing

Answer: A. He had pulled one tooth out and filled two cavities

Q5) What did Dr Soon find during Julia's recent dental visit?

A. No issues with her teeth

B. Cavities and pulled teeth

C. Beginnings of plaque

D. A need for extensive treatment

Answer: C. Beginnings of plaque

Sammy was an eleven-year-old boy who was good in his studies and kind to everyone. Grown-ups as well as children liked him very much.

Sammy had a classmate named Timmy. Unlike Sammy, he performed poorly in his studies and often bullied his classmates. He even ill-treated Sammy by teasing him constantly about his weight as he was chubby.

On his twelfth birthday, Sammy got a beautiful pen as a gift from his parents which he brought to school. When Timmy saw it, he was overwhelmed with jealousy and decided to steal Sammy's pen. When everyone had left the classroom for recess, Timmy opened Sammy's bag and took out the pen. He then hid it inside his own bag and ran out of the classroom.

When Sammy came back and could not find his pen, he informed his teacher, Mr Shan, about it. Mr Shan decided to search the bag of every pupil in the class for the missing pen. The pen was soon found in Timmy's bag and the furious teacher reprimanded Timmy for having stolen it. Timmy ended up in tears.

Seeing Timmy cry, Sammy took pity on him. Despite what Timmy had done, he had no ill-feeling against his classmate. He requested Mr Shan not to punish Timmy. This opened Timmy's eyes. He could now see what a kind-hearted boy Sammy was. From that day, he became friends with Sammy and gradually turned over a new leaf.

Adapted from kidsgen.com

Q1) What did Sammy receive as a gift on his twelfth birthday?

A. A bicycle

B. A beautiful pen

C. A book

D. A toy

Answer: B. A beautiful pen

Q2) How did Timmy react when he saw Sammy's pen?

A. He admired it

B. He felt happy for Sammy

C. He was overwhelmed with jealousy

D. He asked Sammy to borrow it

Answer: C. He was overwhelmed with jealousy

Q3) What did Timmy do with Sammy's pen?

A. Returned it immediately

B. Hid it in his own bag

C. Gave it to another friend

D. Broke it intentionally

Answer: B. Hid it in his own bag

Q4) How did Sammy react when he found out Timmy had stolen his pen?

A. Became angry and confrontational

B. Cried and complained to the teacher

C. Took pity on Timmy

D. Ignored the incident

Answer: C. Took pity on Timmy

Q5) How did Timmy's attitude change towards Sammy after the incident?

A. He continued bullying Sammy

B. He avoided Sammy

C. He became friends with Sammy

D. He apologized to Sammy

Answer: C. He became friends with Sammy

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