Unseen Passage for Class 4 - Passage 03

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Michael blew into his gloved hands while he waited for his brother to return from the shed. The wait in the cold seemed like eternity. When Sam returned, he was carrying some strips of wood.

"It's freezing. Hurry up, Sam," Michael said, looking at the whirling snow around them. Michael held the lamp for Sam to work on the door. As Sam began hammering the strips of wood to the broken door, some noises echoed from the frozen fields across their farm. Sam dropped his hammer immediately. Michael held up the lamp in the direction of the coop.

"Did you hear that?" Sam asked Michael, who nodded vigorously. Another sound filled the air again. It was the loud and continuous clucking of the hens in the coop. They sounded frightened and agitated. Sam raced down the stony path in great fury. Michael was close by. Sam had lost three hens in the past fortnight and was not about to lose another. He saw a flash of brownish black as he approached the coop. Then he saw its black-ringed tail. The raccoon emerged from the tree beside the coop.

"Go away!" Sam roared. It stood still and looked at the two boys for a while. The predator only ran into the woods when Michael ran towards it. The hens in the coop were flapping and running up and down as Michael counted them. He was glad that none of the chickens was missing. Later, Sam checked on the wire fencing. He was relieved that the coop was still secure.

Q1) What was Sam carrying when he returned from the shed?

A. Strips of wood

B. A lamp

C. A hammer

D. A toolbox

Answer: A. Strips of wood

Q2) Why did Michael blow into his gloved hands?

A. To warm them up

B. To make music

C. To signal Sam

D. To check if his hands were still there

Answer: A. To warm them up

Q3) What interrupted Sam's work on the broken door?

A. Noises from the shed

B. Michael dropping the lamp

C. Noises from the frozen fields

D. A sudden snowstorm

Answer: C. Noises from the frozen fields

Q4) What did the hens sound like when the noises were heard?

A. Happy and content

B. Frightened and agitated

C. Silent and still

D. Singing a melody

Answer: B. Frightened and agitated

Q5) What did Sam see near the coop?

A. Another shed

B. A raccoon

C. A tree

D. A lamp

Answer: B. A raccoon

Q6) What did Sam do when he saw the raccoon?

A. Laughed

B. Dropped his hammer

C. Invited it for dinner

D. Ran towards it

Answer: D. Ran towards it

Q7) What did the raccoon do when Michael ran towards it?

A. Fought back

B. Stood still

C. Climbed a tree

D. Ran into the woods

Answer: D. Ran into the woods

Q8) How did the hens react when Michael counted them?

A. They flew away

B. They were silent

C. They flapped and ran

D. They started singing

Answer: C. They flapped and ran

Q9) What did Sam check after the incident?

A. The snowstorm

B. The lamp

C. The wire fencing

D. The broken door

Answer: C. The wire fencing

Q10) What did Michael use the lamp for?

A. To read a book

B. To guide Sam's work

C. To scare away the raccoon

D. To warm his hands

Answer: B. To guide Sam's work

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