Class 4 Maths Geometry - Sample questions

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Q1) Look at the following shapes. How many shape(s) has/have both parallel and perpendicular lines?

Mathematics Olympiad IMO Class 4 Geometry Questions
  • A. 1

  • B. 2

  • C. 3

  • D. 4

Answer: B.

Q2) How many 1/4 turns are there in 270°?

  • A. 1

  • B. 2

  • C. 3

  • D. 4

Answer: C.

Q3) The figure below, not drawn to scale, is made up of 2-cm by 2-cm squares. Find its perimeter.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • A. 46 cm

  • B. 30 cm

  • C. 28 cm

  • D. 14 cm

Answer: C.

Q4) The figure is made up of 5 identical squares each side 3cm. What is the perimeter of the figure?

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • A. 12 cm

  • B. 16 cm

  • C. 36 cm

  • D. 48 cm

Answer: C.

Q5) Which of the following line is parallel to line AB?

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • A. GH

  • B. CD

  • C. EF

  • D. IJ

Answer: D.

Q6) Find the perimeter of the figure shown below.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • A. 21 cm

  • B. 23 cm

  • C. 34 cm

  • D. 37 cm

Answer: C.

Q7) If the perimeter of a square is 64cm, what is the length of one side of the square?

  • A. 8 cm

  • B. 16 cm

  • C. 24 cm

  • D. 32 cm

Answer: B.

Q8) In the figure below, ABCD is a rectangle and CDEF is a square. Find <ACE.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • A. 55 °

  • B. 90 °

  • C. 100 °

  • D. 110 °

Answer: C.

Q9) How many angles in the figure below are less than 90°?

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions

Answer: 7

Q10) The figure below shows 2 identical rectangles. ABEF and BCDE. They are not drawn to scale. Find the sum of ∠ ABF and ∠ CBD.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions

Answer: 70°

Q11) The figure below is made up of 2 rectangles and 2 squares.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions
  • (a) Find ∠ b.

  • (b) Find ∠ c.

(a) 23°

(b) 157°

Q12) Find the perimeter of the shaded figure. All lines meet at right angles.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions

Answer: 50 cm

Q13) Two rectangular cardboards, A and B are placed on top of each other as shown in the diagram below. Find the area of the shaded part.

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions

Answer: 400 cm2

Q14) The figure ABCD is a rectangle and the ∠ACD is 40° Find ∠ACB. (The figure is not drawn to scale.)

Maths Olympiad IMO Geometry questions

Answer: 50°

Q15) Sean used 10 identical matchsticks to form a rectangle. He used 3 matchsticks to form one side of the rectangle. If each identical matchstick is 6 cm, find the area of the rectangle.

Answer: 216 cm2

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