Class 4 Maths Questions - Time - Set 03

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Check these few questions from our Class 4 Maths study material on Time  . Answers and explanations are provided in our paid section- " Buy Courses"  We have over 500 Chapterwise tests that include all the chapters in the syllabus of Class 4 Maths.

Q1) When Ali arrived at the airport at 15:38, he found that he missed his flight by 1 h 20 min.
At what time did the plane depart from the airport?

  • 02:18
  • 04:28
  • 14:18
  • 16:58
  • Answer


    Q2) Rachel's birthday party ended at 20 :15. It was 2 h 45 min long. At what time did the party start?


    Ans: ___________



    Q3) When it is 14:00 in Melbourne, it is 12:00 in Singapore. Mrs Lee took a flight from Singapore at 22:00 and flew to Melbourne. When it landed in Melbourne, a clock showed 08:00. How long did the flight actually take?

    1. 2 h
    2. 8 h
    3. 10 h
    4. 12 h



    Q4) A tour bus drove from Town A to Town C. The bus started at 9.45 am. 4 hours and 15 mins later, the bus stopped at Town B for half an hour. The tour bus took another 4 hours 45 mins to reach Town C. When did the tour bus reach Town C?

    Answer: ___________________________________________________

    The time the tour bus reach Town C is 7.15 pm

    Q5) Zimin left school at 14 00. He waitied 12 min for a bus and arrived home at 15 05. How long was the bus journey from the school to his home?

    1. 77 min
    2. 65 min
    3. 55 min
    4. 53 min



    Q6) Peter started doing his homework at 16 45. He completed his homework at 18 10. How long did he take to complete his homework?


    Ans: ____________ min


    1 h 25 min

    Q7) Ronnie left the library at 11 55 to go to his grandmother's house. He took 1 h 20 min to travel there. What time did he arrive at his grandmother's house? Express your answer in 24-hour clock.



    Ans: ____________



    Q8) How many right angles does the minute hand of the clock move through from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.?


    Ans: ____________



    Q9) Bernice cleans her house every Saturday from 12:15 to 13:10. If there are 4 Saturdays in October, how long does Bernice spend cleaning the house in October?

    1. 2 h 20 min
    2. 2 h 40 min
    3. 3 h 20 min
    4. 3 h 40 min



    Q10) Mr Tan drove from Town A to Town B. He left Town A at 19 20. He drove for 6 h 15 min and then stopped for a coffee break. He drove for another 3 h 5 min before reaching Town B at 05 10. How long was his coffee break?

    Ans: _____________


    His coffee break was 30 minutes.

    Q11) Simon started on his Mathematics Practice Paper at 2.45pm. He took 5 minutes for each of the 14 multiple choice question. He continued to complete the remaining 9 word problems, using 6 minutes for each question. At what time did he complete his Mathematics Practice Paper? (Express your answer using the 24-hour clock.)



    Ans: ____________



    Q12)James took 1 h 25 min to complete his school work and then spent 55 min to practise on his piano. If he started doing his school work at 3.45 pm, at what time did he finish practising on his piano?



    Ans: _____________p.m.



    Q13) Roslinda took a flight from Singapore to Japan. When it is 06 00 in Singapore, it is 07 00 in Japan. The flight was 6 hours 45 minutes long. When Roslinda landed in Japan, the clock in the airport showed 12 15. What was the time in Singapore when Roslinda's flight departed? Express your answer using the 24-hour clock.



    Ans: __________



    Q14) Raja drove from Singapore to Malacca. He drove for 214​  h and arrived at his destination at 19 05. At what time did he leave Singapore? Leave your answer in 12-h clock.



    Ans: _______________


    4.50 pm

    Q15)  How many right angles does the minute hand of the clock move through from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.?


    Ans: ____________


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