Unseen Passage for Class 3 - Passage 13

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Unseen passage - Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher for the hearing-impaired in Boston, is credited with the invention of the telephone. While working on experiments with a telegraph at night, an accidental discovery led to the development of this groundbreaking device. During one experiment, when the metal in the telegraph got stuck, Bell's assistant, in an attempt to loosen it, inadvertently created a sound. Although Bell was in a different room, he heard the sound in his receiver and realized that the vibrations had traveled through the electric current to the receiver. This discovery sparked his interest, and he continued to explore and refine the concept.

On March 10, 1876, Bell achieved a significant milestone by successfully speaking words over a telephone line for the first time. While testing a new transmitter, an unexpected mishap occurred as he spilled battery acid on his clothes. In response, Bell urgently called out to his assistant, Mr. Watson, who was in another room, using the famous words, "Mr. Watson, come here! I want you!" Astonishingly, Watson heard every word clearly on the telephone and promptly rushed into the room.

Eager to share his invention, Bell demonstrated it to numerous individuals. With time, an increasing number of telephone lines were installed, making this groundbreaking invention accessible for use in homes and businesses.

Q1) Who is credited with inventing the telephone?

A. Thomas Edison

B. Alexander Graham Bell

C. Benjamin Franklin

D. Nikola Tesla

Answer: B. Alexander Graham Bell

Q2) What was Alexander Graham Bell's profession in Boston?

A. Scientist

B. Inventor

C. Teacher of the deaf

D. Telegraph operator

Answer: C. Teacher of the deaf

Q3) What led to Bell's discovery of the telephone?

A. A spilled liquid

B. A broken telegraph

C. A plucked metal

D. A faulty transmitter

Answer: C. A plucked metal

Q4) When did Alexander Graham Bell first speak words over a telephone line?

A. March 10, 1876

B. April 15, 1880

C. June 5, 1868

D. September 3, 1892

Answer: A. March 10, 1876

Q5) What accidental incident occurred while Bell was testing a new transmitter?

A. Fire broke out

B. He spilled battery acid on his clothes

C. The telephone line snapped

D. The lights went out

Answer: B. He spilled battery acid on his clothes

Q6) What were Alexander Graham Bell's famous words during the telephone mishap?

A. "Hello, is it me you're looking for?"

B. "Watson, come here! I need you!"

C. "Can you hear me now?"

D. "I've got a bad connection"

Answer: B. "Watson, come here! I need you!"

Q7) How did Bell share his telephone invention with others?

A. Through social media

B. By writing a book

C. Demonstrations to people

D. Keeping it a secret

Answer: C. Demonstrations to people

Q8) What happened over time as a result of Bell's invention?

A. People stopped using telephones

B. Telephone lines were removed

C. More telephone lines were installed

D. People forgot about telephones

Answer: C. More telephone lines were installed

Q9) What is the meaning of "hearing-impaired" as used in the passage?

A. Unable to see

B. Lacking the sense of touch

C. Having difficulty hearing

D. Inability to taste

Answer: C. Having difficulty hearing

Q10) What is the meaning of "groundbreaking device"?

A. A device used for digging in the ground

B. An innovative and pioneering device

C. A device for breaking rocks

D. A device used in construction

Answer: B. An innovative and pioneering device

Q11) What is another word for "inadvertently"?

A. Intentionally

B. Unintentionally

C. Specifically

D. Precisely

Answer: B. Unintentionally

Q12) What is the meaning of the phrase "sparked his interest"?

A. Extinguished his curiosity

B. Ignited his curiosity

C. Reduced his curiosity

D. Hindered his curiosity

Answer: B. Ignited his curiosity

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