Unseen Passage for Class 3 - Passage 08

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

After breakfast, Anna headed to her dad's workbench in the garage. She found an old coffee can filled with nuts and bolts and decided to repurpose it as her time capsule. Anna thoughtfully selected items to include, picking her favorite book, her beloved yo-yo, and some cherished photos. Even her playful kitten, Kitty, joined in the fun, nudging a ball into the can. Anna even added a folded newspaper to capture the essence of the present day.

With all the memories packed in the can, Anna sealed it with tape. Using a thick black marker, she proudly wrote "ANNA AND KITTY'S TIME CAPSULE" on the front. Excited to bury it, she carried the can outside, grabbed a shovel from the shed, and carefully buried the time capsule in the garden.

After burying the time capsule, Anna found herself missing the items she had included. She realized she couldn't yo-yo or read her favorite book because they were buried. Feeling a bit puzzled, she scratched her head, but then an idea struck her. She remembered Kitty's ball and the sound of her bracelet clinking.

Without hesitation, Anna began digging up their time capsule. Kitty eagerly pounced on the ball while Anna joyfully pulled on her bracelet and settled under a tree to read her book and yo-yo once again.

Q1) What did Anna repurpose as her time capsule?

A. A shoebox

B. An old coffee can

C. A plastic container

D. A glass jar

Answer: B. An old coffee can

Q2) What did Anna's kitten, Kitty, add to the time capsule?

A. A ball

B. A mouse

C. A feather

D. A ribbon

Answer: A. A ball

Q3) What did Anna write on the front of the time capsule?






Q4) Where did Anna bury the time capsule?

A. In the garage

B. In the shed

C. In the garden

D. Under a tree

Answer: C. In the garden

Q5) What made Anna decide to dig up the time capsule?

A. She missed her favorite book

B. She wanted to play with Kitty's ball

C. She couldn't yo-yo anymore

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Q6) What does the word "repurpose" mean in the passage?

A. To throw away

B. To reuse or adapt for a different purpose

C. To bury

D. To buy new items

Answer: B. To reuse or adapt for a different purpose

One Saturday evening, Bella and her friend Mia decided to have a camping adventure in Bella's backyard. With mosquitoes buzzing around and the rustling of tall pine trees, they aimed to recreate the experience of camping in the woods.

Bella and Mia found two drooping branches on side-by-side trees and draped a sheet over them, creating their makeshift tent. Excited and giggling, they crawled underneath, enjoying the feeling of being in their own cozy space.

As the wind grew stronger, the sheet started to flap and come off the trees. Undeterred, Bella and Mia decided to switch their plans. They gathered sticks and broken pieces of bark to create a makeshift campfire and began roasting marshmallows, poking them through the sticks. The joy of roasting marshmallows brought smiles to their faces.

Bella ran inside to ask her mom to start a real campfire, but her mom advised against it due to safety concerns. Instead, she suggested pretending or using the microwave. Disappointed but understanding, Bella and Mia continued their camping adventure with make-believe campfires.

With their eyes gazing up at the night sky, Bella and Mia noticed the absence of glowing stars. The moon was partially hidden behind tentacle-like clouds, creating a spooky atmosphere. Embracing the eerie ambiance, they shared spooky ghost stories, adding a thrill to their camping experience.

As the raindrops started to fall, Bella and Mia hurriedly sought shelter inside, their camping trip abruptly interrupted. Bella's initial disappointment faded as she realized they could still salvage their adventure by making s'mores in the microwave.

Q1) What did Bella and Mia initially use to create their makeshift tent?

A. Blankets

B. Drooping branches

C. Sleeping bags

D. Tents

Answer: B. Drooping branches

Q2) What did Bella and Mia gather to create a makeshift campfire?

A. Pinecones

B. Sticks and broken bark

C. Stones

D. Firewood

Answer: B. Sticks and broken bark

Q3) Why did Bella's mom advise against starting a real campfire?

A. Because they didn't have enough firewood

B. Due to safety concerns

C. To save wood for later

D. Because it was too late in the evening

Answer: B. Due to safety concerns

Q4) What did Bella and Mia notice about the night sky during their camping adventure?

A. Glowing stars

B. Cloudy sky

C. Absence of stars

D. Shooting stars

Answer: C. Absence of stars

Q5) What did Bella and Mia do when the rain started to fall?

A. Continued roasting marshmallows

B. Sought shelter inside

C. Danced in the rain

D. Built a makeshift roof

Answer: B. Sought shelter inside

Q6) What did Bella and Mia embrace during their camping adventure?

A. Sunshine

B. Eerie ambiance

C. Starlight

D. Breezy weather

Answer: B. Eerie ambiance

Q7) What did Bella's mom suggest as an alternative to a real campfire?

A. Pretending

B. Using the microwave

C. Starting a bonfire

D. Lighting candles

Answer: B. Using the microwave

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