GK Olympiad Class 2 - Sample question paper 08

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Q) Read the statements given below carefully and choose the right answer.

Statement I: Baby of an elephant is called calf.

Statement II: Baby of a dog is called puppy.

(a) Only statement I is correct.

(b) Only statement II is correct.

(c) Both statements I and II are correct.

(d) Both statements I and II are wrong.

Answer: (c) Both statements I and II are correct.

Explanation: Baby elephants are called calves, and baby dogs are called puppies.

Q) Elephants eat ONLY leaves, fruits, nuts, and grass. They are _____.

(a) Omnivores

(b) Herbivores

(c) Carnivores

(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Herbivores

Explanation: Elephants primarily eat plants, making them herbivores.

Q) Which is the largest animal in the world?

(a) Elephant

(b) Blue whale

(c) Gorilla

(d) Ostrich

Answer: (b) Blue whale

Explanation: The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth.

Q) I am a very pretty insect. I have colorful wings and go from flower to flower. Who am I?

(a) Butterfly

(b) Dragonfly

(c) Ladybug

(d) Bee

Answer: (a) Butterfly

Explanation: Butterflies are known for their colorful wings and pollination activity.

Q) Identify the bird based on the hints given: It is green and has a curved beak. It loves to eat sunflower seeds and chilies.

(a) Pigeon

(b) Duck

(c) Parrot

(d) Crow

Answer: (c) Parrot

Explanation: Parrots are known for their colorful plumage and curved beaks.

Q) I am active at night. I hoot. Who am I?

(a) Owl

(b) Dove

(c) Pigeon

(d) Sparrow

Answer: (a) Owl

Explanation: Owls are nocturnal birds known for their hooting sounds.

Q) What is a baby cow called?

(a) Foal

(b) Calf

(c) Kitten

(d) Puppy

Answer: (b) Calf

Explanation: A baby cow is called a calf.

Q) I am a ferocious animal. I live in a cave called a den. Who am I?

(a) Crocodile

(b) Deer

(c) Lion

(d) Snake

Answer: (c) Lion

Explanation: Lions are known for their ferocity and live in dens or prides.

Q) Which of these animals is a plant eater?

(a) Eagle

(b) Snake

(c) Giraffe

(d) Tiger

Answer: (c) Giraffe

Explanation: Giraffes are herbivores, primarily eating leaves and vegetation.

Q) Match the following:

A. Lion 1. Insects

B. Goat 2. Flesh

C. Spider 3. Seeds

D. Sparrow 4. Plant

(a) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1

(b) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3

(c) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2

(d) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3

Answer: (d) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3

Explanation: Lions eat flesh, goats eat plants, spiders eat insects, and sparrows eat seeds.

Q) Which of the following is a carnivorous animal?

(a) Lion

(b) Goat

(c) Hippopotamus

(d) Cow

Answer: (a) Lion

Explanation: Lions are carnivorous animals that eat flesh.

Q) 'Bray' is the sound of _______.

(a) Lion

(b) Donkey

(c) Goat

(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Donkey

Explanation: The sound 'bray' is associated with a donkey.

Q) The young one of frog is _______.

(a) Tadpole

(b) Caterpillar

(c) Chick

(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Tadpole

Explanation: The young one of a frog is called a tadpole.

Q) Which one is a farm animal?

(a) Fox

(b) Tiger

(c) Vulture

(d) Cow

Answer: (d) Cow

Explanation: Cows are commonly found on farms and are considered farm animals.

Q) What are baby pigs called?

(a) Piglets

(b) Puppies

(c) Poppies

(d) Pansies

Answer: (a) Piglets

Explanation: Baby pigs are called piglets.

Q) Which of the following animals lays eggs?

(a) Cat

(b) Dog

(c) Hen

(d) Cow

Answer: (c) Hen

Explanation: Hens lay eggs as a means of reproduction.

Q) Which of the following is a cold-blooded animal?

(a) Dog

(b) Fish

(c) Cat

(d) Cow

Answer: (b) Fish

Explanation: Fish are cold-blooded, meaning their body temperature adjusts with the environment.

Q) What is the main food of a butterfly?

(a) Seeds

(b) Leaves

(c) Nectar

(d) Meat

Answer: (c) Nectar

Explanation: Butterflies feed on nectar from flowers.

Q) Which of the following animals can fly?

(a) Elephant

(b) Kiwi

(c) Penguin

(d) Eagle

Answer: (d) Eagle

Explanation: Eagles have wings and feathers, allowing them to fly.

Q) Kittens are baby _______.

(a) Dogs

(b) Goats

(c) Elephants

(d) None of these

Answer: (d) None of these

Explanation: Kittens are baby cats.

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