Class 2 Maths Olympiad online tests on measurements have been designed by Olympiadtester to deeply validate the Math concepts of the student in this chapter. These sample papers are highly useful to prepare for International Maths Olympiad exams (IMO, iOM) and GOTAK MATHS (Global Online talent Assessment for Kids)
ACCESS - You get immediate access to your online tests after the payment.
No of tests - 10
No of questions in each test - 15
No of attempts allowed for each test - 05
Merit Certificates - Instant merit certificates for good scores which can be downloaded.
Score Report - Instant Score report would be shared upon submission.
Availability - These tests are always available for you.
Notification - The score report and the merit certificate (if applicable) will be also mailed to the concerned email id
REFUND POLICY - This item is non-refundable.
TRANSFER POLICY - This access is not transferable
SHIPMENT - There is no physical shipment. You will get instant access to your online tests.