NSO Syllabus for Class 1, 2024-25
Stay updated with the latest NSO Syllabus for Class 1 as issued by SOF, as it is crucial to understand the specific topics, exam structure, and pattern for the upcoming Science Olympiad.
Olympiadtester’s online test series and sample papers, aligned with the latest Class 1 NSO syllabus, will give you the competitive edge needed to secure a top rank.

The NSO Class 1 exam consists of three sections, totaling 40 marks, with 35 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The exam lasts for 60 minutes and is conducted offline.
The exam follows the guidelines set by NEP (2020), NCF (2023), NCERT, and CBSE, as well as protocols from national and state boards.
In the Level-I National Science Olympiad exam, 60% of the questions will be based on the current class syllabus, while 40% will be drawn from the previous class syllabus. The Achievers Section will focus exclusively on the current class syllabus.
Section 1 - Logical Reasoning
This section contains 5 questions, totaling 5 marks. The topics covered include Patterns, Odd One Out, Measuring Units, Geometric Shapes, Spatial Understanding, Ranking Test, and Problems Based on Figures.
The questions are designed to assess students' logical and analytical abilities, testing their critical thinking skills, pattern recognition, and problem-solving capabilities.
Section 2 - Science
The Science section consists of 25 questions, covering the following chapters: Living and Non-living Things, Animals, Plants, Human Beings and Their Needs, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Air and Water, and Weather and Sky.
This section carries a total of 25 marks. The questions are designed to evaluate students' understanding and knowledge of essential scientific concepts and principles.
Section 3 - Achiever' section
The Achiever's Section consists of 5 higher-order thinking (HOT) questions, totaling 10 marks, based on the chapters covered in Section 2.
These questions are designed to challenge students' ability to apply their knowledge and skills to solve complex problems and think creatively.
Class 1 NSO Preparation - Important links
Olympiadtester provides the following valuable study material for Class 1 NSO preparation: