Static — Static G.K
Online Static GK quiz - Country Capitals
Complete list of U.S States and capitals
Complete List of U.S Presidents with their tenures
The superlative list - Largest, Highest, Biggest, Longest and deepest in the world and in India
G.K Preparation guide for kids - Classical dances of India
Static G.K preparation guide for kids - Classical dances of India has online flashcards (with audio option), Memory tools and MCQ tests.
G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 07
Online Static G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 07 has flashcards (with audio option), Memory tools and MCQ tests.
G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 06
Online Static G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 06 has flashcards (with audio option), Memory tools and MCQ tests.
G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 05
Online Static G.K preparation guide - Books and Authors Set 05 has flashcards (with audio option), Memory tools and MCQ tests.