Most searched celebrities on google

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Welcome to our online word search puzzle featuring the most searched celebrities on Google. Our puzzle includes names such as Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Amber Heard, Vladimir Putin, Chris Rock, Novak Djokovic, Anna Sorokin, Andrew Tate, Rishi Sunak, and Simon Leviev.

To play the puzzle, simply click on any letter to start forming words. You can also drag your mouse over the letters to select multiple letters at once. The words can be found vertically, horizontally, diagonally, forwards, and backwards.

If you prefer to solve the puzzle offline or want to print it out, you can download a PDF version by clicking the download button below.

Here are some brief explanations about why these celebrities were in the news lately:

  • Johnny Depp: The actor has been in the news for his ongoing legal battle with his ex-wife Amber Heard over domestic violence allegations.
  • Will Smith: The actor has been in the news for his upcoming movie releases, including the highly anticipated "King Richard."
  • Amber Heard: The actress has been in the news for her legal battle with ex-husband Johnny Depp over domestic violence allegations.
  • Vladimir Putin: The Russian president has been in the news for various political moves, including the military buildup near Ukraine's borders.
  • Chris Rock: The comedian has been in the news for his return to stand-up comedy and his new show "Fargo."
  • Novak Djokovic: The tennis player has been in the news for his controversial exit from the Australian Open due to COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
  • Anna Sorokin: The fake heiress has been in the news for her Netflix series "Inventing Anna" based on her story.
  • Andrew Tate: The former kickboxing champion has been in the news for his controversial tweets and statements.
  • Rishi Sunak: The UK Chancellor has been in the news for various economic policies, including the post-pandemic recovery plan.
  • Simon Leviev: The Israeli con artist has been in the news for his high-profile fraud cases and extradition to Bulgaria.

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