AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification - Online mock test
Posted by Olympiad Tester on
Olympiadtester offers free proctored online mock tests for the AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification exam. The questions in these pre- assessment mock tests are based on previous certification exams.
These mock test is designed to provide you with a realistic feel of the actual AZ-900 exam. You can take this mock test multiple times, allowing you to refine your skills and build confidence before the real certification exam. With our proctoring system, you'll experience an exam-like environment, ensuring that you are fully prepared for the conditions you'll encounter on the day of the AZ-900 exam.
The total marks for our mock test are 1000, and the pass mark is set at 700. By attempting our mock test, you can gauge your performance and assess your readiness for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification exam. The mock test consists of 50 questions, covering all the essential topics and concepts that you will encounter in the actual exam.