Mirror images tricks and worksheets for Reasoning

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Mirror Images section is a tricky part of the reasoning and mental ability section. In this article, we will share tips and tricks to solve mirror images problems in the least time. 

Any object that has a bilateral symmetry will have its mirror image the same as that of the object. By that, we mean that if you were to draw a line from top to bottom that splits the object into two parts, such that both the parts can be superimposed onto each other, the object’s Mirror Image will be same as that of the object’s image.

      Tips and tricks to solve mirror images

      Let us consider an example below.

      ic: Tips and tricks to solve mirror images problems.

      If you look the image carefully, you will observe that in a mirror, top and bottom of an image doesn’t change but the LHS (Left Hand Side) of the real image becomes the RHS (Right hand side) in the mirror image. Similarly, the RHS (Right hand side)  of the real image becomes the LHS (Left hand side) in the mirror image.


      Some alphabets don’t change and are the same as that of their Mirror Images. The letters having identical mirror images are A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y. Similarly, in small letters we have i, l, o, v, w, and x that have the same mirror Image as that of their original images.

      You may want to memorize the mirror images chart of alphabets as given below:

      ic: Mirror image chart of alphabets in capital


      ic: Mirror images chart for small images


      ic: Solved example of mirror images problems

      Tips to solve the above problem

      • As a first step, check the first and the last letters. You are aware that in a mirror top and bottom of an image doesn’t change but the LHS becomes RHS and vice versa. 
      • Eliminate the alphabets whose mirror image is the same as that of the original shape.
      • The first letter in the mirror image of O B S T I N A T E should be the mirror image of E which is only in the option (a). 


      The number 1 and 8 are the only two numbers with their identical mirror images. The chart for mirror images of numbers is given below for your ready reference. 

      ic: Chart for mirror images of numbers


      To save on time, you may want to memorize the following rules to solve prolems related to clock mirror images. 

      • Subtract from 11:60 if the time is between 1:01 and 10:59. 
      • Subtract from 23:60 if the time is between 11:01 and 12:59
      • Subtract from 12 to get the exact time as hour

      Click on the "Go to course" button to attempt tests with hundreds of questions on "mirror images".

      In this free online Reasoning course,  you also get access to tests of other topics like Number Series, Verbal Classification, Analogies, Matching Definitions, verbal reasoning, logical games, statement and assumption, statement and conclusion, cause and effect, logical deduction, letter and symbol series, essential part, artificial language, making judgements, logical problems, analyzing argument, course of action, theme detection, statement and argument. 


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