Class 9 Cyber Olympiad - Sample question paper 10

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Q) Arrange the steps to create a new folder on the desktop in Windows 10.

I. Right-click on an empty area of the desktop

II. Select "New" from the context menu

III. Choose "Folder" from the submenu

IV. Enter a name for the folder

V. Press Enter to create the folder

Answer options:

A. I, II, III, IV, V

B. IV, II, III, I, V

C. V, II, IV, III, I

D. II, I, IV, III, V

Answer: A. I, II, III, IV, V

Explanation: The correct order is: I. Right-click on an empty area of the desktop, II. Select "New" from the context menu, III. Choose "Folder" from the submenu, IV. Enter a name for the folder, V. Press Enter to create the folder.

Q) Arrange the steps to compile and run a Java program using a command-line interface (CLI).

I. Open a command prompt

II. Navigate to the directory containing the Java source file

III. Compile the Java file using the "javac" command

IV. Run the compiled program using the "java" command

V. View the output in the command prompt

Answer options:

A. II, I, III, IV, V

B. I, III, IV, II, V

C. IV, II, I, III, V

D. V, III, II, I, IV

Answer: A. II, I, III, IV, V

Explanation: The correct order is: I. Open a command prompt, II. Navigate to the directory containing the Java source file, III. Compile the Java file using the "javac" command, IV. Run the compiled program using the "java" command, V. View the output in the command prompt.

Q) Given below is the process to convert Tab Separated Text to a table in MS-Word 2010. Arrange the steps in the process in the correct order.

I. Specify the separation character in the Convert Text to Table dialog

II. Highlight the text

III. Select Insert tab→Table→Convert Text to Table

IV. Make sure that the text is separated by a tab or some other unique mark.

V. Click OK

Answer options:

A. II, IV, III, I, V

B. IV, II, III, I, V

C. V, II, IV, III, I

D. IV, III, V, I, II

Answer: B. IV, II, III, I, V

Explanation: The correct order is: IV. Make sure that the text is separated by a tab or some other unique mark, II. Highlight the text, III. Select Insert tab → Table → Convert Text to Table, I. Specify the separation character in the Convert Text to Table dialog, V. Click OK.

Q) The error #REF! in MS-Excel 2010 indicates _______.

A. Cells may have been deleted or pasted over

B. The column is not wide enough to display the contents of this cell

C. Name has not been referred correctly

D. None of these

Answer: A. Cells may have been deleted or pasted over

Explanation: In MS-Excel, the #REF! error indicates that cells that were referred to in a formula have been deleted or pasted over, causing the reference to become invalid.

Q) Which of the following tag elements is used to separate sections of text?

A. <br>

B. <p>

C. <blockquote>

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these

Explanation: While <blockquote> is specifically used to indicate a block of text separated from the main content, <br> and <p> are also used to handle line breaks and paragraph separation, respectively.

Q) _______ port is a laptop technology by which it can capture, display, and record full-frame video in real-time from various input devices such as digital movie cameras.




D. PS/2

Answer: B. ZV

Explanation: ZV port is a laptop technology for capturing, displaying, and recording video in real-time.

Q) The "eye" icon in Flash CS6 is associated with _______.

A. Timeline

B. Layers

C. Tools

D. Frames

Answer: B. Layers

Explanation: The "eye" icon in Flash CS6 is associated with Layers, allowing users to hide or show layers in the timeline.

Q) The following are tags in HTML. Classify them as inline and block-level tags: <li> <ol> <h1> <img> <a> <q> <em> <blockquote>. There are ________ inline tags and _________ block tags.

A. 4, 4

B. 3, 5

C. 5, 3

D. 6, 2

Answer: A. 4, 4

Explanation: The correct classification is: Inline tags - <img>, <a>, <q>, <em>; Block-level tags - <li>, <ol>, <h1>, <blockquote>.

Q) What is a virus signature?

A. The binary pattern of the machine code of a particular virus

B. A type of antivirus program

C. A type of security measure

D. None of these

Answer: A. The binary pattern of the machine code of a particular virus

Explanation: A virus signature is the binary pattern of the machine code of a specific virus.

Q) Which of the following functions is used to copy data located in a row into a column or copy data located in a column into a row in MS-Excel 2010?






Explanation: The TRANSPOSE function in MS-Excel 2010 is used to switch the rows and columns of a selected range of cells.

Q) In MS-Excel 2010, what does the formula =SUM(A1:A5) do?

A. Adds the values in cells A1 to A5

B. Multiplies the values in cells A1 to A5

C. Divides the value in cell A1 by the sum of A2 to A5

D. Subtracts the values in cells A1 to A5

Answer: A. Adds the values in cells A1 to A5

Explanation: The SUM function in MS-Excel adds up the values in the specified range, and in this case, it adds the values from A1 to A5.

Q) What is the purpose of the CONCATENATE function in MS-Excel 2010?

A. Adds two numbers together

B. Combines text from multiple cells into one cell

C. Divides a range of cells into individual cells

D. Performs a complex mathematical calculation

Answer: B. Combines text from multiple cells into one cell

Explanation: The CONCATENATE function is used to combine or concatenate text from different cells into a single cell in MS-Excel.

Q) How can you freeze panes in MS-Excel 2010?

A. Go to the View tab and click on Freeze Panes

B. Press Ctrl + F

C. Use the Format Cells option

D. Right-click on the cell and select Freeze Panes

Answer: A. Go to the View tab and click on Freeze Panes

Explanation: To freeze panes in MS-Excel, you need to go to the View tab and click on the "Freeze Panes" option, allowing you to keep specific rows or columns visible while scrolling.

Q) In MS-Excel 2010, what does the formula =SUM(A1:A5) do?

A. Adds the values in cells A1 to A5

B. Multiplies the values in cells A1 to A5

C. Divides the value in cell A1 by the sum of A2 to A5

D. Subtracts the values in cells A1 to A5

Answer: A. Adds the values in cells A1 to A5

Explanation: The SUM function in MS-Excel adds up the values in the specified range, and in this case, it adds the values from A1 to A5.

Q) What is the purpose of the CONCATENATE function in MS-Excel 2010?

A. Adds two numbers together

B. Combines text from multiple cells into one cell

C. Divides a range of cells into individual cells

D. Performs a complex mathematical calculation

Answer: B. Combines text from multiple cells into one cell

Explanation: The CONCATENATE function is used to combine or concatenate text from different cells into a single cell in MS-Excel.

Q) How can you freeze panes in MS-Excel 2010?

A. Go to the View tab and click on Freeze Panes

B. Press Ctrl + F

C. Use the Format Cells option

D. Right-click on the cell and select Freeze Panes

Answer: A. Go to the View tab and click on Freeze Panes

Explanation: To freeze panes in MS-Excel, you need to go to the View tab and click on the "Freeze Panes" option, allowing you to keep specific rows or columns visible while scrolling.

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