Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 14

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Sarah loves to listen to her brother Max play his guitar. He is 14 years old and has been playing since he was 6 years old. He practices every day, and he is really skilled. Max plays country music and rock and roll.

Sarah enjoys the country songs the most. She takes great pleasure in watching Max strum the chords and listening to the wonderful country sounds he creates. Sarah dreams of taking guitar lessons so she can play as well as Max does. "Mom, can I take guitar lessons?" Sarah asks.

Her mom responds, "Playing the songs that Max plays requires a lot of hard work. Are you sure you have enough time to dedicate to practice?"

Considering all her favorite activities, Sarah is unsure. She loves her ballet classes, her art classes, and her chess club. Sarah realizes that if she wants to play the guitar, she may have to give up another activity to make time for practice. She is uncertain about which activity she would be willing to let go of because they all hold great importance to her.

For now, Sarah decides to continue enjoying her brother's guitar playing.

Q1) How old is Max, Sarah's brother?

A. 6 years old

B. 10 years old

C. 14 years old

D. 18 years old

Answer: C. 14 years old

Q2) What type of music does Max play on his guitar?

A. Jazz and blues

B. Country and rock and roll

C. Classical and opera

D. Hip-hop and rap

Answer: B. Country and rock and roll

Q3) What does Sarah dream of doing in relation to the guitar?

A. Selling guitars

B. Collecting guitars

C. Taking guitar lessons

D. Playing the drums

Answer: C. Taking guitar lessons

Q4) What does Sarah love the most about Max's guitar playing?

A. The volume of the music

B. The type of guitar Max has

C. The country songs Max plays

D. The speed of Max's playing

Answer: C. The country songs Max plays

Q5) What is Sarah's response when asked if she wants to take guitar lessons?

A. She declines the offer

B. She immediately agrees

C. She is uncertain

D. She is not interested in music

Answer: C. She is uncertain

Q6) What does Sarah realize she might have to give up if she wants to play the guitar?

A. Ballet classes

B. Art classes

C. Chess club

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Q7) How old is Max, Sarah's brother?

A. 10 years old

B. 12 years old

C. 14 years old

D. 16 years old

Answer: C. 14 years old

Q8) What type of music does Max play on his guitar?

A. Classical music

B. Jazz

C. Country music and rock and roll

D. Pop music

Answer: C. Country music and rock and roll

Q9) What is Sarah's favorite type of music that Max plays?

A. Jazz

B. Pop music

C. Country music

D. Classical music

Answer: C. Country music

Q10) Why is Sarah uncertain about taking guitar lessons?

A. She doesn't like the guitar

B. She is too busy with other activities

C. Her mom doesn't want her to take lessons

D. She is not interested in music

Answer: B. She is too busy with other activities

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