Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 08

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Oliver approached his mother with a request to ride his bicycle to the park. With a condition, she granted permission, stating that he must wear his helmet during the ride.

Upon arriving at the park, Oliver discovered a scene bustling with activity. People of all ages held garbage bags, including some of his friends and teachers. Emma, his close friend, informed Oliver that everyone was joining forces to clean the park. Emma then asked Oliver if he would lend a hand, to which he readily agreed, promptly requesting a garbage bag.

The sight that met Oliver's eyes was disheartening. Garbage was scattered everywhere, ranging from candy wrappers and juice pouches to newspapers and apple cores. Determined to make a difference, Oliver began picking up the litter, feeling a mix of disgust and responsibility.

After an hour of diligent work, Oliver managed to fill three large garbage bags. His friends were equally dedicated, contributing significantly to the cleanup efforts.

Once the task was completed, one of the teachers arranged for the filled garbage bags to be loaded into his pickup truck, which would transport them to the dump. The park now sported a renewed appearance, much cleaner than before. To further encourage cleanliness, signs were erected throughout the park, reminding visitors to dispose of their trash in the designated garbage cans.

As a token of appreciation, the teachers treated everyone who participated in the park cleanup to pizza and refreshing lemonade. After the satisfying meal, Oliver and his friends conscientiously deposited their own trash in the provided garbage cans, reinforcing their commitment to keeping the park clean.

Q3) What did Oliver's friend Emma ask him to do at the park?

A. Play soccer

B. Join a picnic

C. Clean up the park

D. Ride bicycles together

Answer: C. Clean up the park

Q4) What was Oliver's initial reaction to the state of the park?

A. Excitement

B. Disappointment

C. Indifference

D. Confusion

Answer: B. Disappointment

Q5) How many garbage bags did Oliver manage to fill during the cleanup?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Answer: C. Three

Q6) What did the teachers do with the filled garbage bags?

A. Burned them in the park

B. Loaded them into a truck to transport to the dump

C. Left them in the park

D. Buried them in a pit

Answer: B. Loaded them into a truck to transport to the dump

Q7) What was done to encourage cleanliness in the park after the cleanup?

A. Erecting signs

B. Distributing pamphlets

C. Painting the park

D. Hosting events

Answer: A. Erecting signs

Q8) What did Oliver and his friends receive as a token of appreciation?

A. Trophies

B. Certificates

C. Pizza and lemonade

D. Medals

Answer: C. Pizza and lemonade

Q9) What did Oliver and his friends do after the satisfying meal?

A. Left the park

B. Continued cleaning

C. Deposited their trash in the garbage cans

D. Went home without cleaning

Answer: C. Deposited their trash in the garbage cans

Q10) What did the teachers arrange for the filled garbage bags?

A. Left them in the park

B. Burned them in the park

C. Loaded them into a truck to transport to the dump

D. Threw them into the pond

Answer: C. Loaded them into a truck to transport to the dump

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