Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 02

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Unseen Passage 02 - Class 8

Olivia opened her eyes to the sound of shouting and the rapid pitter-patter of footsteps. A hefty man in a long white apron hurried past her, vigorously waving a wooden spoon in the air.

"What's going on?" Olivia wondered as she sat up on the grass next to a dusty path.

The man abruptly stopped running and turned towards Olivia, still brandishing the spoon. "Did you see that?" he asked, his voice filled with frustration.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't," Olivia replied.

"Gone. They're all gone," the man sighed heavily. "How will my bakery survive if my gingerbread people keep running away?"

Curious, Olivia spoke up. "Excuse me, did you say your gingerbread people can run?"

The baker nodded, stepping closer to Olivia. "Indeed they can. I've given them legs," he explained, extending his hand to help Olivia up. "I'm Chef Oscar, and I bake the most delightful cookies you can imagine. Once they're cooked, my gingerbread people have a tendency to leap right off the pan with a snap."

Impressed, Olivia expressed her desire to taste one of Chef Oscar's cookies. She also suggested a solution: "What if you locked the bakery doors before removing the pan from the oven?"

Chef Oscar shook his head, reminiscing about a failed attempt. "I've tried that before, my dear. It turned into utter chaos! Gingerbread people were darting around the bakery, colliding with me, the walls, and each other. No, that approach kept them inside the bakery but didn't keep them still."

Undeterred, Olivia offered another idea. "What if you wrapped licorice around their legs before baking them?"

Chef Oscar pondered for a moment, then gently shook his head. "Ah, licorice would melt in the hot oven. Unfortunately, that wouldn't slow them down at all."

As Olivia pondered further, inspiration struck. "I know! In some places, they shape cookies like gingerbread into hearts. What if you used a heart-shaped cookie cutter for your gingerbread people?"

Chef Oscar's eyes lit up with excitement. "Olivia, my dear, that might just be the solution! I hadn't considered that. I'll give it a try."

The conversation continued, and Olivia's imaginative suggestions brought renewed hope to Chef Oscar. However, soon Olivia woke up from her dream, eager to share her imaginative encounter with her mom.

Q1) What woke Olivia up?

A. Shouting and footsteps

B. A loud crash

C. The sound of bells

D. A ringing phone

Answer: A. Shouting and footsteps

Q2) What was the man doing with the wooden spoon?

A. Eating soup

B. Waving it in frustration

C. Cooking pancakes

D. Playing a musical instrument

Answer: B. Waving it in frustration

Q3) What did Chef Oscar complain about?

A. Lack of ingredients

B. Gingerbread people running away

C. Broken oven

D. No customers

Answer: B. Gingerbread people running away

Q4) How did Chef Oscar's gingerbread people escape?

A. They flew away

B. They jumped off the pan

C. They rolled out the door

D. They melted in the oven

Answer: B. They jumped off the pan

Q5) What solution did Olivia suggest to Chef Oscar?

A. Locking the bakery doors

B. Wrapping licorice around their legs

C. Using a heart-shaped cookie cutter

D. Adding more sugar to the recipe

Answer: C. Using a heart-shaped cookie cutter

Q6) Why did Chef Oscar reject the idea of wrapping licorice around the gingerbread people?

A. Licorice would melt in the hot oven

B. He didn't like the taste of licorice

C. He was allergic to licorice

D. Licorice was too expensive

Answer: A. Licorice would melt in the hot oven

Q7) What did Olivia's imaginative suggestions bring to Chef Oscar?

A. Chaos

B. Laughter

C. Renewed hope

D. Sadness

Answer: C. Renewed hope

Q8) How did Chef Oscar react to Olivia's heart-shaped cookie cutter idea?

A. He rejected it

B. He got angry

C. He was indifferent

D. He was excited

Answer: D. He was excited

Q9) What did Olivia suggest wrapping around the gingerbread people's legs?

A. Ribbons

B. Licorice

C. Paper

D. Cloth

Answer: B. Licorice

Q10) How did the passage end for Olivia?

A. She woke up from her dream

B. She tasted Chef Oscar's cookies

C. She became a baker

D. She opened her bakery

Answer: A. She woke up from her dream

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