Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 15

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

The small town of Crestwood was known for its peculiar events. One day, an ancient-looking chest appeared in the middle of the town square. It was adorned with intricate carvings and had a mysterious aura about it. The townsfolk gathered around, curious and intrigued. As the mayor approached the chest, a letter materialized on top of it. It read, "To unveil the secrets within, solve the riddles three, and the chest shall open for thee."

The first riddle was as follows: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" The townspeople scratched their heads, pondering the enigma. As the sun dipped below the horizon, a clever young girl named Lily exclaimed, "It's an echo!" The chest shivered and emitted a soft glow.

The second riddle emerged: "The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?" This time, an elderly man named Mr. Thompson chuckled and proclaimed, "Footsteps!" The chest quivered once more, and the anticipation grew.

Now, for the final riddle: "I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?" The townspeople engaged in animated discussions until a young boy named Oliver exclaimed, "It's a pencil lead!" The ancient chest creaked open, revealing a collection of enchanted artifacts that would bring prosperity to Crestwood for generations to come.

Q1) What mysterious event occurred in the town of Crestwood?

A. A sudden earthquake

B. Appearance of a mystical chest

C. Arrival of a traveling circus

D. Discovery of a hidden cave

Answer: B. Appearance of a mystical chest

Q2) What was written in the letter atop the mysterious chest?

A. A town proclamation

B. A recipe for a potion

C. A riddle to open the chest

D. A warning about the chest

Answer: C. A riddle to open the chest

Q3) Who solved the first riddle?

A. Lily

B. Mr. Thompson

C. Oliver

D. The mayor

Answer: A. Lily

Q4) What was the answer to the second riddle?

A. Echo

B. Footsteps

C. Pencil lead

D. Wind

Answer: B. Footsteps

Q5) Who provided the correct answer to the final riddle?

A. Lily

B. Mr. Thompson

C. Oliver

D. The mayor

Answer: C. Oliver

Rachel was always fascinated by the old oak tree that stood at the edge of her grandmother's garden. The tree, with its gnarled branches and twisted trunk, seemed to hold a secret of the past. Legend had it that the tree was planted by Rachel's great-great-grandfather, a renowned explorer who brought back a special sapling from his travels around the world.

One sunny afternoon, as Rachel sat in the shade of the oak tree, she noticed a small door at the base of the trunk. It was a door she had never seen before, and curiosity got the best of her. With a creak, the door opened, revealing a hidden staircase leading down into the earth. Without hesitation, Rachel descended into the mysterious underground passage.

To her surprise, Rachel found herself in a vast chamber filled with ancient artifacts and glowing crystals. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings telling the story of her ancestors' adventures. As she explored further, Rachel discovered a magical journal that documented the explorer's encounters with mythical creatures and the discovery of a hidden realm.

As Rachel delved deeper into the underground world beneath the oak tree, she realized that the tree was a gateway to another dimension. The magical energy of the realm was connected to the oak's roots, and Rachel felt a sense of responsibility to protect this secret. The journal revealed that only those with a true connection to the explorer's bloodline could access the magical realm.

Rachel knew she had to share this incredible discovery with her family and continue the legacy of guarding the oak tree and its mystical portal. The old oak, once just a symbol of the past, now held the key to a world of wonder and enchantment.

Q1) What fascinated Rachel about the old oak tree?

A. Its height

B. Its twisted branches

C. Its glowing leaves

D. Its ancient history

Answer: D. Its ancient history

Q2) Who is said to have planted the oak tree?

A. Rachel's grandmother

B. Rachel's great-grandfather

C. Rachel's great-great-grandfather

D. Rachel's father

Answer: C. Rachel's great-great-grandfather

Q3) What did Rachel find at the base of the oak tree?

A. A hidden staircase

B. A treasure chest

C. A secret passage to the sky

D. A magical portal

Answer: A. A hidden staircase

Q4) What did Rachel discover in the underground chamber?

A. Glowing crystals

B. A magical journal

C. Ancient artifacts

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Q5) What was the oak tree's connection to the magical realm?

A. It had no connection

B. Its branches held the key

C. Its roots were linked to the magical energy

D. It served as a guardian

Answer: C. Its roots were linked to the magical energy

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