Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 11

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the heart of the ancient forest, where sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, a peculiar tree stood tall—known as the "Whispering Willow." Legend had it that the tree possessed the ability to communicate with those who approached it with pure intentions. Mia, a curious explorer, ventured into the forest in search of this mythical tree.

Guided by the soft whispers of the wind, Mia navigated through the labyrinthine paths until she encountered the majestic Whispering Willow. Its leaves rustled in a harmonious dance, creating a melody that resonated with the heartbeat of the forest. Mia, in awe of the tree's beauty, approached with reverence.

To her surprise, the Whispering Willow began to share stories of ancient times, weaving tales of forgotten civilizations, magical creatures, and the balance between nature and humanity. Mia, enraptured by the tree's tales, realized that the Whispering Willow held the wisdom of centuries and the power to connect the past with the present.

As Mia spent more time with the Whispering Willow, she discovered that the tree could answer questions through its melodic language. The rustling leaves formed patterns that conveyed profound insights. Mia, recognizing the significance of this discovery, decided to share the tree's wisdom with the world.

Word spread about the Whispering Willow, attracting scholars, seekers, and dreamers alike. Mia became the guardian of the ancient forest, ensuring that visitors approached the tree with respect and a genuine thirst for knowledge. The Whispering Willow, now a symbol of unity and understanding, continued to share its timeless tales, fostering a connection between humanity and the enchanting mysteries of the natural world.

Q1) What is the mythical tree in the ancient forest called?

A. Mystic Oak

B. Whispering Willow

C. Enchanted Birch

D. Sacred Maple

Answer: B. Whispering Willow

Q2) What did Mia hear as she approached the Whispering Willow?

A. Laughter

B. Music

C. Whispers of the wind

D. The tree's heartbeat

Answer: C. Whispers of the wind

Q3) What did the Whispering Willow share with Mia?

A. Modern stories

B. Tales of forgotten civilizations, magical creatures, and the balance of nature

C. Instructions for building a shelter

D. Jokes and riddles

Answer: B. Tales of forgotten civilizations, magical creatures, and the balance of nature

Q4) How did the Whispering Willow answer questions?

A. By writing on its bark

B. Through telepathy

C. Using its melodic language and rustling leaves

D. By shaking its branches

Answer: C. Using its melodic language and rustling leaves

Q5) What did Mia realize about the Whispering Willow?

A. It was just an ordinary tree

B. It held the wisdom of centuries and the power to connect the past with the present

C. It was a magical portal

D. It had the ability to grant wishes

Answer: B. It held the wisdom of centuries and the power to connect the past with the present

Q6) What did Mia decide to do with the wisdom of the Whispering Willow?

A. Keep it a secret

B. Share it with the world

C. Write a book about it

D. Use it for personal gain

Answer: B. Share it with the world

Q7) What did Mia become as a result of her time with the Whispering Willow?

A. A storyteller

B. A guardian of the ancient forest

C. A musician

D. A tree whisperer

Answer: B. A guardian of the ancient forest

Q8) What did Mia ensure about visitors to the ancient forest?

A. That they brought gifts for the Whispering Willow

B. That they approached the tree with respect and genuine curiosity

C. That they asked the tree for personal favors

D. That they performed a dance around the tree

Answer: B. That they approached the tree with respect and genuine curiosity

Q9) What did the Whispering Willow become as a symbol of?

A. Power and authority

B. Mystical secrets

C. Unity and understanding

D. Silence and solitude

Answer: C. Unity and understanding

Q10) What continued to happen as a result of the Whispering Willow's tales?

A. The forest became crowded with tourists

B. Mia became famous

C. Mia wrote a best-selling book

D. A connection between humanity and the enchanting mysteries of the natural world

Answer: D. A connection between humanity and the enchanting mysteries of the natural world

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