Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 03

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the mystical land of Eldoria, where ancient magic and mythical creatures thrived, lived a young sorcerer named Lysander. Gifted with the ability to communicate with elemental spirits, Lysander embarked on a quest to restore the balance of the four elemental realms—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—that had fallen into disarray.

Lysander's journey began in the Earth realm, where he encountered stubborn Gnomes guarding precious gemstones. In exchange for a rare crystal, the Gnomes demanded a riddle be solved. Lysander's intellect prevailed, and the Earth realm's balance was partially restored.

Moving to the Air realm, Lysander faced the challenge of taming mischievous Sylphs who played pranks on unsuspecting travelers. Through diplomacy and a display of his own magical prowess, Lysander gained the respect of the Sylphs, bringing harmony to the Air realm.

The Fire realm posed the most perilous trial, with fierce Salamanders guarding the Flame of Illumination. Lysander had to prove his courage by traversing a path of blazing flames. Successfully reaching the Flame, he harnessed its power to bring warmth and light back to the Fire realm.

Finally, in the Water realm, Lysander encountered elusive Nereids who sought the return of a stolen Pearl of Serenity. Employing his skills of tracking and negotiation, Lysander retrieved the precious pearl, calming the turbulent waters and restoring tranquility to the Water realm.

Having successfully navigated the challenges of all four elemental realms, Lysander's quest concluded with a revelation—the elemental spirits bestowed upon him a staff infused with the essence of Eldoria's magic, a symbol of his newfound status as the Guardian of Elemental Balance.

Q1) What is the name of the mystical land where Lysander lives?

A. Eldoria

B. Sorceria

C. Mythica

D. Enchantedrealm

Answer: A. Eldoria

Q2) What is Lysander's unique ability?

A. Shape-shifting

B. Teleportation

C. Elemental spirit communication

D. Invisibility

Answer: C. Elemental spirit communication

Q3) What challenge did Lysander face in the Earth realm?

A. Taming mischievous Sylphs

B. Solving a riddle for the Gnomes

C. Traversing a path of blazing flames

D. Retrieving a stolen Pearl of Serenity

Answer: B. Solving a riddle for the Gnomes

Q4) What creatures guarded the Flame of Illumination in the Fire realm?

A. Gnomes

B. Sylphs

C. Salamanders

D. Nereids

Answer: C. Salamanders

Q5) What did Lysander have to prove in the Fire realm?

A. His intellect

B. His magical prowess

C. His courage

D. His negotiation skills

Answer: C. His courage

Q6) What did Lysander retrieve in the Water realm?

A. Flame of Illumination

B. Stolen Pearl of Serenity

C. Rare crystal

D. Staff infused with magic

Answer: B. Stolen Pearl of Serenity

Q7) What was the revelation at the end of Lysander's quest?

A. He gained shape-shifting abilities

B. He became the Guardian of Elemental Balance

C. He acquired a new companion

D. He discovered a hidden treasure

Answer: B. He became the Guardian of Elemental Balance

Q8) What did the elemental spirits bestow upon Lysander?

A. A rare crystal

B. A stolen Pearl of Serenity

C. A staff infused with magic

D. The Flame of Illumination

Answer: C. A staff infused with magic

Q9) Which realm presented the most perilous trial for Lysander?

A. Earth realm

B. Air realm

C. Fire realm

D. Water realm

Answer: C. Fire realm

Q10) What did Lysander's staff symbolize?

A. His triumph over elemental challenges

B. His friendship with mythical creatures

C. His status as the Guardian of Elemental Balance

D. His mastery of shape-shifting

Answer: C. His status as the Guardian of Elemental Balance

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