Unseen Passage for Class 7 - Passage 01

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ancient castle, young Princess Isabella found herself drawn to the mysterious library hidden within its walls. Rumors whispered of a forgotten spellbook said to hold the key to unlocking dormant magic within the royal bloodline. Determined to unravel the secrets of her ancestry, Isabella ventured into the library's dimly lit chambers.

Guided by the flickering light of ancient candles, Isabella discovered the spellbook, its pages adorned with intricate symbols and long-forgotten incantations. As she began deciphering the text, a magical portal unexpectedly opened before her. Hesitant but curious, Isabella stepped through the portal and found herself in a fantastical realm filled with mythical creatures and enchanted landscapes.

Tasked with a quest to prove her worthiness, Isabella encountered talking trees, wise old dragons, and mischievous fairies along the way. Each being presented her with a challenge, testing her intelligence, bravery, and kindness. As she progressed, Isabella unearthed her latent magical abilities, unlocking the true potential of her royal lineage.

Ultimately, Isabella faced a moral dilemma that would shape her destiny. A hidden truth about her family's past came to light, challenging her understanding of right and wrong. With newfound wisdom, Isabella made a decision that not only restored balance to the enchanted realm but also brought about a positive change in her own kingdom.

Q1) What drew Princess Isabella to the mysterious library within the ancient castle?

A. The setting sun

B. Whispers of a forgotten spellbook

C. The warm glow of candles

D. The royal bloodline

Answer: B. Whispers of a forgotten spellbook

Q2) What did Isabella discover within the library's dimly lit chambers?

A. A hidden passage

B. A portal to another realm

C. A treasure chest

D. A magical creature

Answer: B. A portal to another realm

Q3) What was Isabella tasked with in the fantastical realm?

A. Finding a lost treasure

B. Proving her worthiness

C. Rescuing a kidnapped princess

D. Defeating a dragon

Answer: B. Proving her worthiness

Q4) What tested Isabella's intelligence, bravery, and kindness during her quest?

A. Enchanted landscapes

B. Ancient candles

C. Mythical creatures

D. Talking trees

Answer: C. Mythical creatures

Q5) What did Isabella unlock as she progressed through the enchanted realm?

A. A hidden passage

B. The true potential of her royal lineage

C. A magical creature

D. A treasure chest

Answer: B. The true potential of her royal lineage

Q6) What presented a moral dilemma to Princess Isabella?

A. A hidden truth about her family's past

B. A quest to defeat a dragon

C. The decision to explore another realm

D. A challenge from wise old dragons

Answer: A. A hidden truth about her family's past

Q7) What did Isabella's decision in the enchanted realm bring about in her own kingdom?

A. A curse

B. A positive change

C. A magical barrier

D. A treasure hunt

Answer: B. A positive change

Q8) What guided Isabella through enchanted glades?

A. Ancient candles

B. Whispering Nymphs

C. Talking trees

D. Mythical creatures

Answer: B. Whispering Nymphs

Q9) Where did Isabella find the spellbook?

A. In a treasure chest

B. In the library's dimly lit chambers

C. Underneath the talking trees

D. In an enchanted glade

Answer: B. In the library's dimly lit chambers

Q10) What did the pages of the spellbook contain?

A. Maps to hidden treasures

B. Incantations and symbols

C. Fairytales and stories

D. Magical creatures

Answer: B. Incantations and symbols

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