English Olympiad Class 7 - Sample paper 04

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Choose the right answer to complete the sentence:

Q) "The ______ of the city is becoming more expensive than the city center."

A. outraged

B. outrageous

C. outskirts

D. overwhelm

Answer: (C) outskirts

Q) The bird looked pretty ______ for this part of the countryside. No one had seen such a bird in decades.

A. habitual

B. unusual

C. gaudy

D. awkward

Answer: (B) unusual

Q) He decided to ________ his brother a flying lesson for his twenty-first birthday.

A. gift

B. gift away

C. gift to

D. gift off

Answer: (A) gift

Q) Teacher: ‘People have great _______ in their accomplishments.’

A. honor

B. haughtiness

C. pride

D. prudence

Answer: (C) pride

Q) The doctors were unable to _______ what was wrong with the baby, even after a battery of tests.

A. diagnose

B. symptoms

C. prognosis

D. find about

Answer: (A) diagnose

Choose the right answer to complete the sentence:

Q) Her parents _______ in her a love for reading.

A. installed

B. instilled

C. inspired

D. impressed

Answer: (B) instilled

Q) This was his _____ monthly appointment with the dentist.

A. frequent

B. regularly

C. usually

D. routine

Answer: (D) routine

Q)"Her _____ has increased, after she got home from the hospital."

A. hunger

B. appetite

C. want for food

D. hunger pangs

Answer: (B) appetite

Q) His mother _______, him that things would become better.

A. reassure

B. to reassure

C. is reassuring

D. reassured

Answer: (D) reassured

Q) She was _______, when her son was not able to speak, like the other children.

A. happy

B. worried

C. anxiously

D. cut throat

Answer: (B) worried

Q) The child flopped down ______ on the floor, amongst the toys.

A. silently

B. raggedly

C. slowly

D. clumsily

Answer: (D) clumsily

Choose the appropriate idiom.

Q) John is always optimistic, even when faced with challenges. He always sees the __________.

(A) silver lining

(B) golden opportunity

(C) red flag

(D) black sheep

Answer: (A) silver lining

Q) When Sarah realized she forgot her presentation at home, she had to think on her __________.

(A) feet

(B) knees

(C) back

(D) elbows

Answer: (A) feet

Q) Despite the difficulties, the team decided to go the extra mile and give it their __________.

(A) all

(B) best

(C) worst

(D) everything

Answer: (A) all

Q) After the long day at work, Mary decided to hit the hay and get some __________.

(A) beauty sleep

(B) sweet dreams

(C) deep slumber

(D) sound rest

Answer: (A) beauty sleep

Q) When the unexpected visitor arrived, it threw a __________ into our plans for the evening.

(A) spanner

(B) wrench

(C) knife

(D) fork

Answer: (A) spanner

Q) The teacher went through my report with a _________ , before submitting it to the principal.

(A) fine tooth comb

(B) fine teeth comb

(C) the perfect fine comb

(D) complete comb

Answer: (A) fine tooth comb

Q) My baby brother is a ________ and is always irritating me.

(A) pain in the neck

(B) agony in my stomach

(C) headache

(D) wet blanket

Answer: (A) pain in the neck

Q) She needs to attend anger management classes, as she gets angry at the __________.

(A) on a whim

(B) at all odds

(C) drop of a hat

(D) event of

Answer: (C) drop of a hat

Choose the best word from the given options.

Q) Four _______ men entered the bank and shot the security guards.

(A) masked

(B) brave

(C) musketeers

(D) mammoth

Answer: (A) masked

Q) Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

She was in absolute _______ after the operation.

(A) agony

(B) pain

(C) worry

(D) trauma

Answer: (A) agony

Q) She was ________ and felt utter loathing for the violence shown in the movie.

(A) attracted

(B) enchanted

(C) hateful

(D) repulsed

Answer: (D) repulsed

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

Q) My sister borrowed my coat yesterday. I have a feeling she’s not going to give it ____________.

(A) in

(B) up

(C) into

(D) back

Answer: (D) back

Q) __________ snakes are dangerous.

(A) Not much

(B) Very few

(C) Considerable amount

(D) Enough

Answer: (B) Very few

Q) My sister is a ______ cook than my mother.

(A) good

(B) well

(C) best

(D) better

Answer: (D) better

Q) The girl broke ________ , when the police arrested her brother.

(A) in

(B) down

(C) to

(D) off

Answer: (B) down

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