Unseen passage for Class 1 - Passage 08

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Unseen Passage - Turtle tales

Unseen passage for Class 1 - Turtle tales

In a calm pond, many happy turtles lived. One day, a group of kids came to play near the pond. One of the boys, named Tim, liked to have fun, but sometimes he played in the wrong way. Instead of playing nicely, he began throwing small pebbles at the turtles, and it made them sad.

Then, there was a clever girl named Lily. She saw what Tim was doing and asked him to stop. Lily explained to Tim that hurting animals is not good; it's like being unkind to our friends. Tim listened and understood that what he was doing was wrong.

After Lily spoke to him, Tim felt sorry. The kids, now following Lily's lead, decided to spend their time learning about the cool animals around the pond and how to take care of them. They wanted to be good friends to the turtles and other creatures, making sure everyone in the pond was happy.

Q1) What did Tim do when he was playing by the pond?

A. He played nicely with the turtles

B. He threw stones at the turtles

C. He ignored the turtles

D. He helped the turtles

Answer: B. He threw stones at the turtles

Q2) Who asked Tim to stop hurting the turtles?

A. Lily

B. Tim

C. Alex

D. Louis

Answer: A. Lily

Q3) What did Lily compare hurting animals to?

A. Playing nicely

B. Being mean to friends

C. Ignoring animals

D. Helping animals

Answer: B. Being mean to friends

Q4) How did Tim feel after Lily spoke to him?

A. Angry

B. Sad

C. Happy

D. Sorry

Answer: D. Sorry

Q5) What did the kids decide to do after Lily spoke to Tim?

A. Continue throwing stones

B. Learn about animals and take care of them

C. Ignore the turtles

D. Play in the wrong way

Answer: B. Learn about animals and take care of them

Q6) Where did the turtles live?

A. In a desert

B. In a calm pond

C. In a cave

D. In a mountain

Answer: B. In a calm pond

Q7) What is the plural of tortoise?

A. Tortoises

B. Tortos

C. Torties

D. Tortas

Answer: A. Tortoises

Q8) What is the opposite of unkind?

A. Unpleasant

B. Mean

C. Rude

D. Generous

Answer: D. Generous

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