50 History facts

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

50 History facts that you never learnt in school

Fact 1: Genghis Khan exempted the poor, teachers, artists, and lawyers from paying taxes.

Fact 2: The first GB hard drive was produced in 1980 and cost forty thousand USD.

Fact 3: Adolf Hitler initiated the ban on human zoos.

Fact 4: A single hyphen typing error in the coding of the Mariner I rocket caused it to explode before takeoff, costing NASA $630 million.

Fact 5: Ferrets were one of the most popular pets in Rome.

Fact 6: Marie Curie's Nobel prize-winning physicist's notebook is still radioactive and cannot be handled safely.

Fact 7: The earliest irrigation dam was built in Saurashtra.

Fact 8: The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar in 1896, lasting 38 minutes.

Fact 9: Over 79% of history was never recorded.

Fact 10: The world's oldest parliament is from Iceland and is called Althing, established in 930.

Fact 11: George Washington did not have wooden teeth; his dentures were made of lead, ivory, and gold.

Fact 12: In the battle of Pelusium, the Persians used cats as shields, knowing Egyptians worshipped them.

Fact 13: During 1991, the French created a fake Paris to deceive German bomber pilots.

Fact 14: Turkeys were once worshipped as Gods by Mayans.

Fact 15: Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel and declined.

Fact 16: Pope Gregory IX declared cats followers of the devil and ordered their execution.

Fact 17: Yoga has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years.

Fact 18: Nordlingen is a German town built inside a 14 million-year-old meteor crater.

Fact 19: Egyptians used slabs of stone as pillows.

Fact 20: The Leaning Tower of Pisa was never upright due to construction on unstable ground.

Fact 21: Alexander the Great was buried alive, paralyzed and unresponsive but not decaying after five days.

Fact 22: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the USA, was a wrestling champ with one loss among 300 matches.

Fact 23: Grigori Rasputin survived cyanide poisoning, gunshot wounds, and drowning before dying.

Fact 24: Until the 19th century, elephants were trained to execute and torture prisoners in Asia.

Fact 25: Indian railways employ more than a million employees.

Fact 26: Medals were awarded for Fine Arts in the Olympic Games until 1912.

Fact 27: Tug of war was once an Olympic game, and Britain won 5 gold medals.

Fact 28: Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine, with Charaka as its Father.

Fact 29: Napoleon Bonaparte fought a war against bunnies in France.

Fact 30: India has not invaded any country in the last ten thousand years.

Fact 31: Cleopatra was not Egyptian; she was of Greek descent.

Fact 32: The Great Wall of China is not visible from space without aid.

Fact 33: The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) wiped out about 75-200 million people in the 14th century.

Fact 34: The Titanic's distress signals were ignored by a nearby ship, the Californian.

Fact 35: The Library of Alexandria, one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world, was destroyed over time.

Fact 36: The first recorded war in history is the Battle of Megiddo in 1457 BCE.

Fact 37: The Great Fire of London in 1666 started in a bakery on Pudding Lane.

Fact 38: The Spanish flu of 1918 infected about one-third of the world's population and killed millions.

Fact 39: The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the formation of the Soviet Union.

Fact 40: The Berlin Wall, erected in 1961, separated East and West Berlin until its fall in 1989.

Fact 41: The ancient city of Troy was real and located in modern-day Turkey.

Fact 42: The Salem witch trials in 1692 led to the execution of 20 people accused of witchcraft.

Fact 43: The RMS Lusitania, sunk by a German U-boat in 1915, contributed to the United States entering World War I.

Fact 44: The Silk Road facilitated trade between the East and West for centuries.

Fact 45: The Battle of Hastings in 1066 marked the Norman Conquest of England.

Fact 46: The Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) between China and Britain resulted from disputes over trade and opium.

Fact 47: The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England.

Fact 48: The Industrial Revolution, starting in the late 18th century, transformed economies and societies worldwide.

Fact 49: The Code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes, dates back to ancient Babylon.

Fact 50: The Renaissance, a period of renewed interest in art, literature, and learning, originated in Italy in the 14th century.

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